R.I.P. Simba....2001-2016!

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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
This wee fella passed away this morning....
The only comforting thing is, that he did so at home and in my hands....

Thanks fellas, very true indeed....

As the saying goes....
They might only be here for a part of your life, but to them, you are their whole life....

I'm glad that I was brought up that way, love and respect all kind of life....how painful it might be at times! :pensive::sleepy:
Much appreciated my dear friends....I can still feel his last breaths and heartbeats in my hands....:persevere::disrelieved::sleepy:

You've been a font of humour on this forum and I've enjoyed many of your posts. However, right how I can imagine that laughing and joking is the last thing you feel like doing.

For all their idiosyncrasies, critters like Simba just worm their way into our hearts. Simba clearly lived a happy life with you so smile at those times when his character shone through. Friends (furry or otherwise) are never truly gone as long as we remember them.

Deepest condolences to you.

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