Random Crazy Pics.....

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What is that first one of the side of? It's excellent, the meaning.
I think those 'guns' are Paladin SPGs, but I may be wrong. And is that the USS Iowa...I know it's an Iowa class.
That AC-130 is sweet. America lost a Paladin in the Iraq war when a shell got jammed, and exploded in the barrel. Everyone was okay, but the barrel was screwed.
I know. I'm amazed no one was killed, I think the loader got injured but that's it. Even the best piece of equipment can go wrong, that proves it. Those Paladins are sweet though.
Well...that first one is a brilliant pic...

And if the Missouri isn't an Iowa class ship, then it proves I don't know my ships. :lol:
Okay. <phew> At least I have some knowledge on them. Those Iowa class served for a long time, but the USS Iowa did not sink the Tirpitz in the Atlantic...as some documentary on WWII warships tried to tell me. :lol:
Missouri is now a museum piece in Pearl Harbour. There's another one in Norfolk too, but I forget which one. New Jersey maybe?
I saw it last November when I was there. Impressed the hell outta me!
Is it Missouri that's in Pearl Harbour? I didn't know that, I knew there was a memorial that was a Iowa Class BB..I just didn't know which one.
They recovered 6 of the 'destroyed' ships on 7th Dec. 1941, and repaired and modernised them...sent them back out to battle...haha, the japs thought they'd got them..and three years later they were smashing jap troop and supply convoys...EAT THAT!

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