Random Crazy Pics.....

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lesofprimus said:
LMFAO..... I got a hockey game tonight..... I'll use the "NobCheese" line out and see what comes out of it.....

Nobcheese is a gay word, I never use it, it was kinda tongue-in-cheek up there...

All the little shits who think theyre "hard" at school but are barely 5ft tall use it as a supposed insult...I hate small people who think theyre tough cos I know I could just pick em up and bin em :lol:
Im not sure if im understanding this right but youre on bout a "shot below the belt" am I right?
A cheap shot in Hockey is a sucker punch, a spearing, or some stick work..... The pic below is when some dude smacked me in the face with his stick.....


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lesofprimus said:
Im not sure if im understanding this right but youre on bout a "shot below the belt" am I right?
A cheap shot in Hockey is a sucker punch, a spearing, or some stick work..... The pic below is when some dude smacked me in the face with his stick.....

if hs were here hed turn it into a funny joke :)


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