Rare Crazy Panzer Projekts.

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Anyone got anything more? Don't care whether it relates just to tanks. If someone wants to bring in a rare and crazy aircraft that is fine by me.
You British guys seems to have some kind of adoration for the 5,45ton Tallboy

One well aimed ( by divebombing I guess) armor piercing 1000 kg (2250 pounds) bomb and is it, no more Ratte.

Wouldn't be that hard to hit!

I'm afraid I don't know how bombers would fare against tanks much.

where was Hitler going to find the fuel to get it to move?

The Ratte was (U-Boot) Diesel-powered, that would help a little. Tigers/Panthers were petrol.

DerAdler said:
Those designs are just overkill and not worth it.

True though mayybe there was some poential, if it didn't take up resources it would be OK. Bad for enemy morale.

How many crew though??

reddragon said:
Bet it would be kind of hard to get across a river, too.

Nah, it would very likely have fording equipment like the Maus and early Tigers.
Well I don't think it would get stuck in the mud.


Well, the Maus had very wide tracks in relation to it's width (more than 50% IIRC). It also had Porshe being forced to co-operate with Skoda, instead of bickering with Henschel for once. The result of this was better mobility than many tanks, though those huge tracks created extra rolling resistance meaning it was slower.

I've seen the Boblingen and Kummersdorf trials and they are very impressive. 8) Mobility is more like the best Panzer, though it was much slower but also much less likely to get stuck.

The prototye Maus got buried past it's hull in mud and pulled itself out by itself!!

However the 2nd Maus test vehicle, with it's Porsche Diesel-electric (Like the Ferdinand and failed VK's) was pathetic and ended up being ferried about by the 1st Maus. The 1st Maus even pulled the 2nd Maus and a portion of it's transport train without incident!!

Though the Henshel system had it's merits, it also had huge negatives and IMHO shouldn't have been considered (sand I don't think it was) though that Ratte 3D CG model seems to have it?

I reckon the Ratte, apart from the Henschel suspension, may have been similar?

With all this though it's pathetic top speed means it is going to get bombed? (Athough AA defenses seem to be carried?)
They're pieces of shit, and only people like schwarzpanzer (a tit) find them impressive and actually worth something on the battlefield.
I agree that they would have been worthless. To big of a target that would have been to slow and to heavy. Just aircraft would have been eneogh to take that thing out.
PlanD said:
They're pieces of sh*t, and only people like schwarzpanzer (a tit) find them impressive and actually worth something on the battlefield.

The T34 and Tiger were also flawed, but their chief advantage was their phychological impact on the enemy:

reddragon said:
I'd hate to come across something like that.

I rest my case.

DerAdler said:
Just aircraft would have been eneogh to take that thing out.

I think it was meant to be armed with many 37mm Flak guns, I dunno how effective they'd be?


Wonder what the speed,

15 mph tops at a guess.

fuel consumption,

Thirsty, but unlike other Panzers it used diesel.

and crew size would be?

It took up manpower when it was in short supply.

How many rounds would it carry?

My guess is aprox 100 rounds per turret.

Why would they need something that big?

Thats an ongoing debate...
Again it would have been worthless. 15 mph, too slow, for such a big target. It would have taken up too much fuel, too much manpower, and too much recources. It would have been too big of a target and I dont care how much FLAK you put on it, it would have been an easy target for aircraft.

The T-34 and Tigers biggest impact was not the psychological impact on there ememy, it was how good the tank was.

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