Rate the avatar/sig above you!

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U fu*kin twerp, giving my avatar only a 7.5... I worked hard on makin that one.... For ur extremely uninformed movie knowledge, thats a clip from Lock, Stock, and 2 Smoking Barrels... He is in the process of slamming a guys head with a car door...

Its the greatest avatar on this site.... U better show props..
lollll looks like a living character of the simpsons isnt ?



Av: 6 that is a Spit right??
Sig: ZERO u unimaginative bastard

And for the record Robert, I hate centered siggys....

hahaha i'll give you a 5 for avatar les but a 9 for your sig

Yeah that is a Spit, although i have a feeling its one of those homebuilt ones.
And yes one day i shall find the inspiration to get a good sig. Do you use photoshop or something?
Thanks for the positive feedback! :lol:
avatar 5.... pretty ordinary
Siggy 11.... Stealth.. love it!

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