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That is a beast of a kit!! Wow!!
A friend had the older Airfix kit of that and the one of the Mustang to be built when he gets more time - kept on a
cupboard for twenty five years or so. Came home a while ago - house cleaned up and older stuff thrown out.

Recommend you start on it as soon as possible.
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Decals finally arrived after dancing with the USPS three extra days. The DP Casper only came with the Japanese decals which was fine by me.


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Yeah, it is mate, how are you? Has been a while - I was still in Hungary last we wrote...left 10 years ago!

Geo, all new to me, so I have to learn the ins and outs. Quite a bit different than enamels I imagine. Got some 'practice' kits sorted to experiment with, so will post pics now and again and let yas know how it goes.
Glad you're on the mend Tony, and good to see ya here again.

And cheers guys, yeah two kids, aged 4 and 8 (already! Where did that time go?!). 2022 was a bit of a rough year for us too, but there were three shining moments to save it, one of the best being a trip to Dublin to catch up with Andy and his family, and Gerry and his wife Jan. I really hope we can catch up again sometime!

Cheers for the heads up on the IPA by the way Andy, and glad the smell should cease to be an issue. It was change the paint or quit the hobby...

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