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Not quite totally accurate re the TBF/TBM. That designation was for the factory which produced them - Grumman or General Motors, and both could have twin scoops. The scoop/intake arrangement was reference the engine and oil cooler fit, with the later engine having a different set-up to the intake and the cooling gills. I'd need to check to be certain, but I think it was the 'C' model (of both) which introduced the twin 'scoops'.
Cheers Terry...and youre right for the most part! (Sorry Cory!).

Checked the Squadron/ Signal 'TBM/TBF Avenger in action', and it seems the twin intakes were introduced on the TBM-3 (I mistakenly thought this was a feature of ALL TBM's). The TBM/ TBF-1 series had the earlier single scoop and different cowl flap layout, the diffence between the -1 and the -1c being the powerplant, and removal of starboard upper cowl mounted MG.

Read too the other day how the RNZAF received a few TBF-1s aswell as our -1c's (didn't know that!) -apparently they were relegated to training duties within NZ being conisidered much inferior to the latter.

Sorry for the misinformation, and I learnt something again too! (Cheers Terry!)
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It seems the Modelling Gods have smiled upon you Cory!

Wedge, the Wingnuts instruction booklets are superb....and from what I've seen up close the kits are very much the same....

These instructions are great with a load of historical detail in them.... I think that my builds will be average at best , but it is giving me loads of joy seeing the Pup come to life...

Great purchases mate, I'd love to get my hands on the SE.5a, in that scale it would be a great build.

Got these direct from Wingnuts in under a week shipped free from NZ, Vic. I, too, am excited about the S.E.5a most of all, but thought I would get my eye in with the Pup. Have the cockpit in, lower wing and fuselage done. Getting loads of pleasure from sitting it next to my 1/32 P-47 and being amazed at the size difference. True pioneering aviation!
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Since the forum has been throwing a bit of a wobbly I ended up on Evilbay but I did get some bargains. These two a vintage Aerograph and a Badger 150 did not look like this when I got them both caked with paint and both with bent needles. One ultrsonic bath in Rapidex surgical instrument cleaner and a lot of attention with 1200 wet and dry and both are like new

Also got this to go with the Matchbox 1/32 109E

Next entry into the cold war GB?

Great scores mate!

Re the Verlinden set, check it carefully for fit and positioning before gluing anything. I have same in 1:72, which is a scaled down version of yours and the 1:48 set.The instructions are clearly designed for one of the larger sets, and the parts don't correspond in form or fit. Careful study of original references and alot of trial fitting/ modification were required to get it into any reasonable sort of form.
Hoping yours won't have such problems!

If you really want to spruce up the rigging, try the 'Bobby's Buckles', they add a nice touch to the finished model.

Bob's Buckles

Lovely bit of shopping Lewis.

Not being one that usually toot my own horn but, toot toot! Got two Airfix 1/48 E/E Lightnings now....

Nice one Jun, don't forget, plenty of lead in the nose, there very tail heavy.


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