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If it was just me, I'd definitely sell some of them off I think, there's just too many for one person to get through. :lol: But there's 3 of us who will be fighting through them, so we should be ok!
The insanity continues! Everything here is 1/35, except the 104 and F/A-18 which are 1/48, and the MiGs, which are 1/32:



There are actually two Merkavas, but I may have already started one. :oops:




That Dragon Wagon is absolutely enormous! You can fit a Panther on there with room to spare.







The F-104 comes with a cockpit, like the other one, but it comes with an engine nozzle in resin as well.


Some diorama sets, as well as a conversion set to convert one of the AM Avengers into a RCN bird. I might just have to take a stab at it. I'm a little afraid of messing up the vacform canopy though.


Various resin and PE. I wish the German seatbelts were in 1/32!


All 1/35 men!


Various resin men, and a conversion set for a Israeli M113, to make it a commander's vehicle.


The LAST thing I need is more inspiration for F4Us, now I want to do one in the first set of FAA markings you see.




There you have it. I think there are just over 50 models there - not including any of the figures. So in the past less than a week, we've gotten about 100 new models.
WOW,:shock: what a collection. I would be lost on where to begin. How did you come across this treasure trove of goodies? And the question everyone has been thinking but afraid to ask...:oops: How long till you buy your next kit? 2 weeks? Month? My guess will be a lot sooner then anyone thinks. Modelers like us have an illness and no matter what we have we always find room for more.:twisted:
My dad's old partner is a big model builder, and he put him in touch with another Policeman, who is also an avid model builder. He and his uncle built all kinds of models. Sadly, his uncle has passed away, and suddenly two people's kits have become one person's, so he offered to give some to my dad. My dad figured we'd end up with a dozen at most, but then he got the first batch, and was told that the second would be coming. He can't bring himself to sell his uncle's kits (not all of them were his of course, but some of them are), and would rather see them end up somewhere they'd get built. And get built they will, though we now have to come up with some creative ideas for storage. My dad just built a large shelving unit a few months ago, but it's nowhere big enough to house all of the models.

As for buying a new kit, I'm sure it won't be that long, but it will be a little bit. I'm not interested in all of the models we just got of course, but there's enough there that I am interested in to keep me busy for a while! I'll probably get something for the BoB GB. If I see something in the store that I absolutely have to have, maybe I'll pick it up too.

EDIT: As for the guy who gave them to us, he says despite giving us about 100, and giving away a large number over that past year or so, he's still got in the neighborhood of 400 kits left!
Wow Cory :shock: good for you some really nice stuff there.But I did hear on the news about some some Hobby Shop being broken into??? :) Cheers Kevin
So Cory, how much is the room addition going to cost you which you now need to build to store all those kits? (Make sure it includes a large workbench for building) :lol:
Catch you are soooooo lucky!! The same thing happened to me except on a waaaay smaller level, for when my brother was leaving for college last year he was cleaning out his closet and he found a few kit he had and gave them to me. The only really cool one was a 1/24 spitfire and a couple other tanks and stuff. Have fun building all those models over the summer!!!
Like a Hippocroccofrog as Terry would say then?

A Hippocroccofrog is heavier than a years supply of Depleted Uranium mate! Oh, and they glow the same way!

That would be five Hippocroccofrog then Jan, two for each machine and a spare in case one hops off....:lol: :lol: :lol:

My dad's old partner is a big model builder, and he put him in touch with another Policeman, who is also an avid model builder. He and his uncle built all kinds of models. Sadly, his uncle has passed away, and suddenly two people's kits have become one person's, so he offered to give some to my dad. My dad figured we'd end up with a dozen at most, but then he got the first batch, and was told that the second would be coming. He can't bring himself to sell his uncle's kits (not all of them were his of course, but some of them are), and would rather see them end up somewhere they'd get built. And get built they will, though we now have to come up with some creative ideas for storage. My dad just built a large shelving unit a few months ago, but it's nowhere big enough to house all of the models.

As for buying a new kit, I'm sure it won't be that long, but it will be a little bit. I'm not interested in all of the models we just got of course, but there's enough there that I am interested in to keep me busy for a while! I'll probably get something for the BoB GB. If I see something in the store that I absolutely have to have, maybe I'll pick it up too.

EDIT: As for the guy who gave them to us, he says despite giving us about 100, and giving away a large number over that past year or so, he's still got in the neighborhood of 400 kits left!

Bu**er me Cory, you don't need a shop mate for that lot mate, you need a bl**dy bug hanger and a few acres of paddock. What a collection and a lifetimes devotion to modelling......

:hotsun: :hotsun:
Bl**dy h*ll C-man! That will keep you busy until retirement! :shock:

I scored this from KingKit....Airfix 1/48 H.S. Buccaneer S2B RAF, for 19.99 peanuts. Last one that I saw of these, on ebay, went for 53!


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Let me see....kits...are. Rasin accessories and others...present. PE parts ...too. well. But where is the spare time for assembling of all of them? A coffin can be too poky Cory.....:lol: :lol: :lol:

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