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Forgot to mention, there is also a glossy, full colour sheet showing the colour schemes for each decal option, as well as decal placement drawings. I've given Airfix a bit of an ear-bashing now and then lately, but I have to say, I'm very impressed with this kit - well done Airfix.
If anyone would like a full, illustrated review, let me know and I'll put one together and post it.
I agree. Now that Hornby seem to be getting their act together with the Airfix brand, it's time they sorted the problems with the Humbrol paint brand, and found a new supplier who can make the stuff to the original formulas, with consistency and quality! Bah! HumBROLbug !!
What happened to the original suppliers Terry? Can't they be reinstated to mix the stuff properly?

(If it's due to lead content legistation as I think I read a long time ago, then noone's going to be able to mix it as it should be...)
During the problem times of Airfix, who were then owned by Humbrol, as part of a Group, the Humbrol company went bust. The factory at Kingston upon Hull closed down, and was destroyed by fire a few years later, after lying derelict. So, the paint is obviously made elsewhere now, but to a much lower quality. As for lead content, this had already been addressed in the 1970s, long before other countries got on 'the band wagon' and, even with further Health and Safety considerations, the Humbrol paints were still of high quality, consistently.
If other companies can produce high-quality paints, with consistency in colour, shade and quality, then there is no reason this can not be done for the Humbrol brand - unless it's being produced by some second-rate outfit, as a cost cutting exercise. If that's the case, then the long term result will be the disappearance of Humbrol as a paint brand.
The way they are now, noone will miss them if they do go. I used to swear by Humbrol paints, now I swear because of them...absolute cr@p.

(my tins from the '90s are STILL great however - hint hint Humbrol!)
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I agree Andy. I have at least two tins from the early 1980s which are still good, whilst recently purchased rubbish is either the wrong shade, or rubbery, won't dry or a combination of all of these! Oh, and I'm lucky if I get to use the whole tin, as it normally goes hard at around the half way mark!
Nice one old boy. I haven't built that one, but their P-38J is a beaut. I'll have a look at the spare recce noses from the 'J' kit to see if they'll do the job for you. Can you let me have a drawing or photo of what it looks like? I don't think I have anything on the earlier recce versions.
A big kit Jan, make sure to put a lot of weight in the nose. Sometimes they recommend a certain amount, but it turns out to be too little. Looking forward to seeing this built. One of my favs
Another big b*gg*r to find shelf space for old boy! Good stuff. Oh, and yes, you'll need a lot of weight in the pointy end of the P-38/F-4, about half a Hippocroccofrog - but there's plenty of room in the recce nose I'll send you.

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