well not new kits but i have been moving factory units again sorting through many boxes i've had for years and came across a box of old rare kits i bought back in the early 70's including heller/frog test shots/airfix and contrail vac forms,also with them were some old kits in need of restoration,if anyone's interested i can post pics and lists of what i found all 1/72nd
Moraine Saulnier ms230 heller
klemm 35 airmodel vac-form
fdb-1 gregor can-vac
p-47d razor back airfix[1960's]
p40b frog test shot
macchi mc202 frog
me262v1 airmodel vac-form
douglas 0-35 b7 contrail vac-form
bucker bu131 jungmann airmodel vac-form
arado ar68 airmodel vac-form
arado 396 airmodel vac-form
dornier do23g airmodel vac-form
fiesler storch airfix[1960's]
fairey gordon contrail vac-form
focke-wolf 190a frog test shot
just some of the kits i've found so far,hopefully i can get to them soon and start building again once i get my modeling time back,i'm not sure if i will even get time to finish the entrys to the G.B but i might start a restoration and finished thread to cover some of these builds/restorations,
thanks for looking