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Yeah, I don't think I've seen it in a LHS, especially since one of the main ones has stopped carrying Hasegawa altogether. The one I got is a somewhat older boxing, and has 2 RAF options, 247 and 183 Squadrons, and has that off-white colour to the roundels. The main issue I have is it seems most of the aircraft around the D-Day landings (as I'd like to do one with invasion stripes) seem to have 4 bladed props, but that's also not a huge deal either. I haven't had time to search extensively though, so I'll keep plugging along. I did find this one though. I'll just link to it as the image is enormous.
I've got a book on the Typhoon / Tempest at home Cory. Pulverizer is in it several times I think and many others as well. I'll take a flip though it when I get back and send you some suggestions.
As I mentioned Cory, there was still a mix of three and four blade props at that time, and all combinations of prop and tail planes. I've got quite a bit on the Typhoon, and there's good coverage in the 2 TAF book I have, with profiles of some of the aircraft shown in photos. You'll find that the majority of Canadian squadrons were fitted for bombs, in fact, I think all Canadian squadrons, without checking. So if you want RPs, you may have to go RAF.
Thanks a lot guys! Yes Terry, in my limited reading I've seen that all RCAF squadrons did indeed only carry bombs. Each Typhoon squadron only seemed to carry either bombs or rockets, never both at once. The kit has the racks for bombs, but of course they only give you rockets!

Just noticed in the photo, bomb racks, no bombs, as per your kit.

That's right Cory. The Typhoon could carry bombs, or rockets, but the two were not interchangeable, the wing being wired for one or the other, so no chance at all of a mix of both. Also, the attack pattern was different, and the gun sight set up differently, and I would also think that handling, if it were possible to carry both, would be strange, to say the least.
Note also that the gun sight dispensed with the reflector screen, the illuminated reticule being projected directly onto the windscreen.
I think it would have been possible to configure the Typhoon for both, as the Tempest was, even though it didn't use either in WW2. But the main reason was probably logistics and organisation - the 2 TAF units were constantly on the move once they arrived on the Continent after D-Day, allowing little, if any time for changes or modifications. Supply of armament itself must have been a headache, and to double this by having two different types, plus their sub-types at a squadron would make things worse. It was much easier to designate a Wing as bombers and another as RP carriers, calling them up as required, or as the type of target required. It also reduced the time spent training for the two different though similar roles, at a time when things were hectic.
Very true Terry.

I have found this one, and it looks like it may be the one? MN413, August 1944. I cannot see if the invasion stripes are still present on the top of the wings.

Now another thing, I have to figure out what roundels to use. The side roundels are obvious, however the kit decals have the early red and blue only (sorry Terry I don't know all of the designations!) on the upper surfaces, and the red, white and blue without the yellow on the bottom. That said, I've seen photos of very similar aircraft such as the following with the yellow rimmed roundels, MN659, and I've also seen photos of them with yellow rimmed roundels on the bottom too. I am of course not an expert so I don't know how to proceed.

One more 440 bird...

If you need some cockpit diagrams, let me know.


EDIT:Re: Roundels....What I read was "From early Jan.'45, all 2nd TAF had their invasion and fuselage stripes painted out, spinners painted black and all roundels modified to type "C1"-red/white/blue with a narrow yellow outer ring"
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