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Hi Sancer, how is this kit?

I wish one for me.


Olá Paulo !!

An apology for not responding earlier, but this weekend the Formula 1 Grand Prix was held in Mexico and I was present.

About this Eduard kit you can see very fine details, small and clean parts without "burrs"
Instructions are apparently clear and printed on good paper (I have not read in detail yet)

Contains several pieces of resin, two plates painted PE
The transparent parts and decals are also seen very good quality. also it has two sheets of masks cockpit.
I like that offers 5 versions to make.

I'm sure it will be very interesting and inspiring work in such a well-built model. I bought it for the challenge that will mean for me.
Is the first limited edition I buy, sure you also enjoy it.

Um grande abraço para a bela Brasil

I hope will be useful information for someone else.


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