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Red Tails was embarrassingly bad ... but it was fun .... the myth of the combattant has always been front and centre in our history. As long as movies motivate young people to consider the military as a career, I'm willing to accept a certain amount of 'dramatization' ... anything for a good plot line.

In life, one always quickly discovers that it isn't "like the movies" ....

I have to say that while I believe we are lucky that they are making historical aviation movies at all, it would be nice if they could include some actual history.
You are right it is a good movie to watch, but it isn't very realistic, or historical accurate
I have to say that while I believe we are lucky that they are making historical aviation movies at all, it would be nice if they could include some actual history.
You are right it is a good movie to watch, but it isn't very realistic, or historical accurate
I have to say that while I believe we are lucky that they are making historical aviation movies at all, it would be nice if they could include some actual history.

Be thankful Lucas didn't insert some Yt-1300 Falcon into this history timeline and Luke with his lightsaber if I say anything else about this movie it'll probobly go down in the "could be considered racist" column, so I won't go there

I just don't think most of the people posting here are trying to be racist, I like to always reverse the roles that most directors tend to break all the time, if this movie was about an all white band of fighter pilots and the movie itself slandered other pilots about being too gun hoe and glory fame jockeys (of any color or origin) it would be considered "wrong" and we wouldn't be even spending half the time discussing it like we are now.

Do we recal Saving Private Ryan and how outraged everyone was on the gore factor of the movie? (ok non WW2) and Gladiator, which would now be considered "safe" and appropriate movies, Hollywood needs to set in stone what it considers fine for children and what should be above PG-13 and how someone marketing a Historical movie should call that movie if it doesn't stick to the facts and isn't historical (ie it makes more than 5 Historical errors it shouldn't be called a Historical movie), I get called tons of names when I correct people on this movie (Red Tails), for some of the small facts that arn't correct.

If we go by the facts, the movie is bordering on the "comic book" shoot em up, everyone is a bad guy except the main characters. Kind of movie. If you watch it as is, and don't take that much heart into it as the see all flight movie of the year, its a pretty decent movie for a comic book style thing. Its right near the G.I. Joe movie. It could of used a bit less talking, romance and more flying.

I'm not trying to be racist here either just trying to state the facts and share my opinion which might not be shared by all. I think the "Tuskegee Airman" movie was by far better than this current rendition, they should have watches that movie and learned something. I enjoyed watching the older version much more than this new one.
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Did you know that this movie is being shown in classrooms in predominantly Black schools as history? Our educators cannot tell the difference and kids will believe what they see in that environment.
The real Group was featured in a war-time documentary narrated by Capt. Clark Gable. Despite the war-time publicity, today their history, like so much of our past, has been forgotten only to be revived when someone has an agenda.
Anyway, I'm surprised that no one mentioned the train attack. Attacking from astern or head-on? Tactics for train-busting were passed on pretty early and all gun camera photos show the planes knocking out the locomotive first causing it to stop. But I guess that wouldn't make a good flaming train wreck like the one depicted. Boy! That engine's boiler must have been filled with gasoline!

Aye but when your listing a couple errors in a movie, its easy to forget some of the Hollywood wam bam sections
Finally watched Red Tails. What a TOTAL CRAP movie. Acting sucked, CGI was average, aerial combat was ridiculous. And just because you shoot something with a machine gun, doesn't mean it's going to blow up. Every bomber they shot the wing spars failed and collapsed. I soooooo need to watch a good, realistic, historically accurate, WWII movie.

Now, where are my copies of Valkyrie and Inglorious Bastards?
lol...yeah, I've been told I'm a racist because I didn't vote for a certain person recently, too...

Doesn't matter if this movie was about white men, black men or green people with plaid sucked so bad, the vacuum it left behind shifted the entire universe 2 inches to the left...

I guess I'm going to hell, right?

Quick! Put "Pearl Harbor" in the DVD player and the world will correct itself!!
Quick! Put "Pearl Harbor" in the DVD player and the world will correct itself!!
That's some mighty dangerous territory you're travelling there, Chris!

In order to bring everything back to normal, you should play something along the lines of "Flags Of Our Fathers" in the player...otherwise playing "Pearl Harbor" (especially after watching the crap they call "Redtails") would be like diving Zero by half...there's no telling how much the damage would be!!


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