Reno Air Races 2023

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Oct 12, 2011
Gidday folks, a few preliminary shots of the Reno Air Races. What an experience! I'll be posting more as I edit the thousands of images and write copy of my coverage of the races. Keep an eye as I'll be posting images as I process them. Firstly, an early morning photoshoot of P-51 Swamp Fox and an interloper...











More to come...
So, I'm gonna include images from the races here, but for those of you interested in following along with a pictorial account of my trip, I have opened a new thread:

For now, though, some P-51s rounding Pylon Two...








The purple Mustang was in pieces 2 weeks before Reno at Fighter Rebuilders in Chino. They did a fantastic job of getting it done exactly on-time!

I watched that happen over a period of months, and I really wasn't too sure it would get done in time ... but Stevo Hinton was, and he was very certainly right. Looks better than it did in 1970 when it National Champion flown by Clay Lacey!
The purple Mustang was in pieces 2 weeks before Reno at Fighter Rebuilders in Chino. They did a fantastic job of getting it done exactly on-time!

It was great to see, it certainly stood out, that's for sure. Steve Hinton was doing his thing in Bardahl on Saturday, as was Miss America, who was the only one who kinda' presented a challenge to Steve in times achieved, but according to an old hand, he reckoned Steve was gonna take the Gold. Given the cancellation on Sunday, that was the case...

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