Reno Air Races... leaving Reno

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Airman 1st Class
Jul 26, 2011
"It is with heavy hearts that we write this to let you know that, after nearly 60 years of air racing in northern Nevada, 2023 will be the last National Championship Air Races at the Reno-Stead Airport." release from Stihl National Championship Air Races at: National Championship Air Races | Reno Air Races
-The 2023 races are scheduled for September 13-17
-Where they are moving to is evidently undecided at present. Reno has been the event's home for the last 59 years.
That is really sad and to be honest, it was bound to happen sooner or later due to the explosive growth (development) in the area.

Joe had even mentioned a while back, that he thought the air races' time was limited, especially when I said "want to see developer frenzy? Put an airport in the middle of nowhere and wait a few years..."

That comment was relevant to Lancaster/Palmdale, but he brought up Reno-Stead and the encroaching development as a side comment.
On a lighter note, is there anyone here planning on going to Reno in September? I'm looking at making a quick whistle-stop trip just for the air races, having never been and wanting to go given it's the last at Stead. For a first-time attendee, any advice you guys can offer won't go amiss. I'm applying for media accreditation, which I'm not sure what that entails, so perhaps some of you might be able to enlighten me?
On a lighter note, is there anyone here planning on going to Reno in September? I'm looking at making a quick whistle-stop trip just for the air races, having never been and wanting to go given it's the last at Stead. For a first-time attendee, any advice you guys can offer won't go amiss. I'm applying for media accreditation, which I'm not sure what that entails, so perhaps some of you might be able to enlighten me?
I can't help you with the media questions but if you are serious book a hotel room now. I have been going to the races since 1979, and I have a large booth there where I sell aviation items like instrument panels, prop blades etc.

Feel free to ask any questions you have
Feel free to ask any questions you have

Excellent, thank you, Gary. I got a lot of questions.

So I see there are shuttle buses running from the main hotel district, which is where I'm hoping to get a hotel and I'll be relying on these as I won't be hiring a car. Are they reliable enough to get to Stead and how long does it take to get to Stead from Reno?

What is the best time of day to go to the airfield? Do I need to be there all day? What does an average day look like in terms of length, particularly if I wanna go into the pit areas?

Are there good spots for taking photos outside the public areas, such as close to runway thresholds and so forth? If so, are they easy to get to?

I'll leave it there for now, any advice, shoot it my way, as I'm a bit green. I've watched a few youtube clips by different guys, so I've got a bit of info.
Excellent, thank you, Gary. I got a lot of questions.

So I see there are shuttle buses running from the main hotel district, which is where I'm hoping to get a hotel and I'll be relying on these as I won't be hiring a car. Are they reliable enough to get to Stead and how long does it take to get to Stead from Reno?

What is the best time of day to go to the airfield? Do I need to be there all day? What does an average day look like in terms of length, particularly if I wanna go into the pit areas?

Are there good spots for taking photos outside the public areas, such as close to runway thresholds and so forth? If so, are they easy to get to?

I'll leave it there for now, any advice, shoot it my way, as I'm a bit green. I've watched a few youtube clips by different guys, so I've got a bit of info.
Yes, they are reliable. The trip takes about 20 minutes. Up to 40 if the traffic gets stupid though. Yes, you should be there all day. Odds are you will meet some interesting people and stay for dinner.

You are not allowed anywhere near the runway thresholds. If you can get a media pass the best shots are obtained out on the course at the pylons. Those are hard to get, and if you do get one you are there for the day pretty much.

There is a place in the pits to the north where you can get good shots as the planes come out of the Valley of Speed and make the turn to the south, towards the grandstands. That is when they are at their fastest, and if you have video you can get some great stuff there.

Drink lots of water, you WILL dehydrate. It is higher elevation than most people are used to, and on a hot day it gets very dry. Wear a hat! Basic stuff I know, but I see people suffering every race because they don't remember the basics.

There are plenty of food options so don't worry about bringing anything other than a water bottle and a snack or two if you are just in the pit and general admittance areas. If you are fortunate enough to get out to a pylon, then you need to plan for a whole day with low supply.
Gary Cain Gary Cain - What is the name of your booth?

nuuumannn nuuumannn - Grant, I stay with a friend of mine in Tahoe so I'm not sure what the hotel room situation is these days. However, in the past it was very hard to get a room in Reno during that weekend. Book sooner rather than later...
I set up across from the north main hangar at the south end of the airport. Right in front of the jet racers pits.
Yes, they are reliable.

Gary, this is golden, thank you very much. Hat already packed, as is my drink bottle. Thanks for the info about the media spot. I work for a media organisation and have submitted a request from my editor so I shouldn't have any difficulty unless they are so packed with accreditation requests that I can't be accommodated. I'm waiting to hear before I buy tickets.

Being by the pylon for a day sounds the business. I don't want to do that every day, but one day will be worth it. Copy that regarding food. Useful to know if I'm out there all day.

As for accommodation, I'm doing a fly/stay package, meaning accommodation is part of the package. The hotel is right in town, walking distance from the strip where the hotels are where I can catch the bus. On the subject of those, They'll have a timetable, huh, I'm intending on staying maybe one evening a bit later so I'm relying on the bus service to get me back to Reno. If not I'll hitch.

At this stage I'm planning on going Friday, Saturday Sunday only. I could make Thursday too. Is that okay for seeing everything, or would you recommend going every day?
Gary, this is golden, thank you very much. Hat already packed, as is my drink bottle. Thanks for the info about the media spot. I work for a media organisation and have submitted a request from my editor so I shouldn't have any difficulty unless they are so packed with accreditation requests that I can't be accommodated. I'm waiting to hear before I buy tickets.

Being by the pylon for a day sounds the business. I don't want to do that every day, but one day will be worth it. Copy that regarding food. Useful to know if I'm out there all day.

As for accommodation, I'm doing a fly/stay package, meaning accommodation is part of the package. The hotel is right in town, walking distance from the strip where the hotels are where I can catch the bus. On the subject of those, They'll have a timetable, huh, I'm intending on staying maybe one evening a bit later so I'm relying on the bus service to get me back to Reno. If not I'll hitch.

At this stage I'm planning on going Friday, Saturday Sunday only. I could make Thursday too. Is that okay for seeing everything, or would you recommend going every day?
The racing truly only begins on Thursday. The race crews are there beginning saturday, but they are just getting the planes set up, as well as their campsites etc. If you can make Thursday you should, it makes it easier for you to see everything. As this is the last one in Stead I expect a good turnout, hopefully we will see some of the Unlimited's that haven't been here for a while.

Time will tell.
Good advice, thanks, Gary. I'm arriving on Wednesday evening and Thursday was a free day in Reno, but it looks like I might go now you've recommended it. I have heard there will be a heritage row, which should see some past winners and participants parked up. That alone would be worth the admission price.
Gary is right, Grant: that region gets hot during the day, but because of single digit humidity, if feels cooler than it actually is and gets many people in trouble fast. Stay hydrated!

It's a shame Joe has gone ahead of us, he would have most certainly been at this last race.

Cheers, Dave, definitely will take extra water and a hat. I have a chrome dome up top so it's an essential accessory anyways. Y'know, I considered that when I saw Joe had passed away. It would have been cool to have met him.
Cheers, Dave, definitely will take extra water and a hat. I have a chrome dome up top so it's an essential accessory anyways. Y'know, I considered that when I saw Joe had passed away. It would have been cool to have met him.
For the life of me, I cannot recall the jet team he crewed for, but I'm sure they'll be there.

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