Revell B747-400 Ed Force One - Run To The Hills!

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Well, after some time away from the model, I unpacked it and did some more on it yesterday, so a wee update. I have already done all this, but haven't yet caught up, so I'll post updates regularly, like I'm doing these things now...

Where were we? After examining the windscreen transparency, I found, like I had been warned elsewhere that it was too small for the orifice, so having glued it in I then found the solution to my issues...

There was a wee smudge of glue on the inside of the clear plastic, so that decided it for me; I'm going to paint over it.

At that point I put some putty on the nose to try and rectify the unsightly lump in the nose...

Once sanded and smoothed out, voila...

The next step is to continue with the canyons in different parts of the fuse joins.

I've got to the point where I've run out of paint, now, so I'm going to have to do more later.
Looks good Geo, I'll see how the kit windows go and if I stuff them up putting them on, I might just resort to those.
Yep Terry, lots. The fuselage halves don't go together well at all. I'm just happy that it is going together at all right now. Much work has been expended on it, so hopefully it'll be alright on the night.

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