Jan and GF, November 2008 edition 'Aeroplane' magazine, got it today. Page 7, centre section of He111 airlifted from shore of Sitasaure lake, Sweden, in August. Going to workshops of Nord Osterdal Aircraft Society, Tolga, Northern Norway, for restoration. Nose section recovered some years ago, currently under restoration in Southern Sweden. When completed, to be reunited with rest of airframe. The He111 was part of attack on Narvik (5/KG26) on 14 May, 1940. Damaged, belly landed on frozen lake. Dragged ashore, stayed there 68 years! Pic of centre section.
Same magazine, page 8 article on glazing being fitted to JU88 at Gardermoen. Pic of JU88 and HeIII, you are mentioned Guttorm! Fame at last!!!