Revell Mig-3 1/72

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Jul 15, 2009
While I wait for the final parts of my spit to get together I thought I'd start on something new. I just got a Yak-3 from Hasegawa to go with my Revell Mig-3 and La-5 so I'll be working on this trio of Soviet fighters for a bit.

The Revell Mig 3 appears to be the same mould as the Encore one in Dirkpitts thread. Its going to need a lot of filler and was a bit sparse on the detail.
I can't really afford resin kits at the moment so I thought I'd throw a little something together to spruce up the cockpit. Its not much but I think I'll have the canopy closed, so it doesnt need to be. Its progressed a little since this picture, seatbelts and all. But Hopefully this'll turn out right. I'm in two minds about what to do about the colour scheme. Am going for Red-02 and I know green seems the logical choice for the wing colour but I do like the red.

I'd also like to try and find the Yak -1 scheme of Katya Budanova, one of the female Soviet aces if anyone has any references. I can't seem to find much ><

In order to complete my Mig 3 as "Red 02" I had to purchase the Revell kit myself just for the decals. Like you said it is virtually the same kit minus the resin, but the Revell kit has better instructions and better decals.

So far your cockpit is superior to mine by leaps and bounds. I look forward to following your progress.

What paint scheme are you planning to use? I hope to have the finished photos of my MIG 3 posted today or tomorrow.
Thanks guys, still working on the cockpit >< Decided I could do a little more.

I think I'll go for the red wings Dirk, I just seems such a nice unique colour scheme to pass up, even if it might be wrong.

Looking forward to seeeing yours complete

Red wings....I assumed you was thinking about the Red 02 plane with the winter camo scheme.Unfortynately these red wings weren't red but green.The pic of the machine was taken on March 7, 1942, when the 120th IAP of Moscow Air Defence wasmade Guards and named the 12th Gv.IAP.

If you want to have these wings red painted I would suggest the Black 7 flown by Capt. A. V. Shlopov of 6 IAP, 6 IAK (Fighter Air Corp), IA-PVO (Moscow Air Defense) on winter 1941/42.

The pic and profiles and other interesting MiG-3 profiles can be found on the site :

MiG-3 family


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Hokies, cockpit update! And I started cutting out the wheel wells as they were in no way deep enough ><


I believe that the third plane in that picture is actually dark green. I spent a lot of time combing over that website an there wasn't a single mention of an all black Mig 3. Now that's not to say there never was one and if there was I missed it. That said I was thinking of building my spare Mig 3 all black. I think that would look hotter then Heck all black with the blue belly and the red stars. SWEET!!!
Thanks guys \o/ Am still not happy with certain parts being too thick or too thin etc. Have always been a bit of a perfectionist when looking at my own artwork as I'm sure many of you are. Is a blessing and a curse ><
Like I said before I used to make a few with my friend about 10 years ago, so there was always a little element of competition but we loved it, and then it all stopped and we went off to live our lives.
But after going to Flying Legends this year, my interest resparked and I've started up again ^^ So I'm using these initial few models to try out new things and test my patience, which was never great. I've never been too fond of showing my creations around because I'm never happy with them. But as someone (Sorry, forget the name! ) in another thread said, you have to show your stuff to people who can help. Its the only way you can improve. And I'm glad I found this site, its full of helpful folk.
Sometimes I do let my imagination go though, which is good! So I end up fleshing something out how I want it to look sometimes, within reason of course, even if its not based on reality (A cheesy looking me262 with propellers in my youth ). I want to try out my own paint schemes sometime when I find the right model and idea. Though the painting itself is something I feel I have a long way to go with in terms of quality at the moment.

But anywho!

I used masking tape for the seatbelts Dirk, just painted over with little bits of plasticard put on the end. Though theyre too thick in my eyes at the moment but something to learn for the future.
Have got around to having a go at this again. As I said, the wheel wells were a little shallow so I thought I'd give them a go. Given that this is the first time I've tried something like this, was a little nervous about what to do. But I think so far I've gotten a decent result, just needs a bit of tidying a few more bits I think.


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