RIP Phil Everly

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Sep 17, 2004
Moorpark, CA
Phil Everly, the younger brother of the Everly brothers passed away a couple of days ago. He was married to my wife's cousin for many years. He was a down to earth, friendly guy that we all just knew as "Phil". His passing has been a loss to not only the family, but to music. I sequenced a tribute to him (attached MP3). Here is a photo of him and Patti last December. RIP and God speed, Phil.


  • Let It Be Me Tribute.mp3
    2.7 MB · Views: 154
  • EVG_3579.jpg
    65.6 KB · Views: 4,847
I saw this yesterday and was going to add to my Musician Obituaries. Smooth vocals - him and his brother. Inspired a lot of bands including the Beatles.
I loved their songs and vocals as a teen. They often played on the same bill with the Kingston Trio. So much so that the Trio altered a line in one of their songs "The Everglades" to:
"Runnin' like a dog through the Everglades
Skippin' like a frog through the slimy bog
Runnin' through the trees from the Everlys

You will be missed Phil, Requiescat in Pace
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