RNZAF Corsair Build

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Just don't let any drunk adults get on it.


um well Il try and strengthen it as much as possible with out putting to much more weight it in

Thanks for the advice and comments

Advice espicially from engineer is more than welcome:)
Thanks guys for the motivating comments

I've got my maths exam monday and physics on tuesday so Il be studying alot this weekend

but come wednesday Il be out there ,ready to rip into it!

Hopefully not Terry:lol: Shes a little frightened of flying
Yeah, but Charles, have you seen the way 'Crab Air' fly!?
But, then again, I DID continue with it as a sport, so maybe I am nuts, and maybe that's why I'm now knackered !!!
:lol: ....Guys what do you think of this as a skining option?

take a look at the pics they pretty much explain themselves ,strips of pine

Advantages I've found: Easy to repair,Able to be made smooth,Easy application,Strong , looks alright

Anyone wanna join Matt and wreck my day?:lol:


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Nothing new Daniel I'm afraid.Russians made fuselages of their planes in the same way.So the method and material for covering is really good.:D
You have spare strips of pine!?!

I say bring it on and monocoque that beauty. If you can skin her with strips of pine, I'm even more impressed with your already extraodinary build, 109.

And I'm sorry for having said anything. I'm truly impressed with your skills. Honestly, I am. :oops:
No worries Matt

Seriously I said it in a joking sense

Its cool man ,I didn't take offence ,hope you didn't by my joke/s:oops:

Glad your enjoying the build...I am:D
Just Joined the forum and spotted your thread. What a great build! If you want to have a look at something to skin with, go to the local newspaper printer and check out some Lithoplate, it's aluminium,thin easy to shape and can be polished to a mirror finish. Best part is the printers usually throw it away when their finished with it. A lot of RC modellers use it to skin scale aircraft because you can score it and make it look like it has rivets as well for panels.
Just a thought but hope it helps
Cheers from OZ
Ooops should have said recycled not throw away...

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