RNZAF Corsair Build

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Thanks guys

today worked on the rear end , Strengthing etc

then inserted a new section which was a real Ba$tard ,should of done it yesterday

heres some progress pics

I've got a spare 3/4 hp electric motor which would also help balance out the weight but could be a bit dangerous with a 3 year at the wheel,just a little dangerous ,only a little


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I started on getting me some wings

Took me ages to get the design right


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and it starts to actually look like a Corsair ! !


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One suggestion to lighten the load is to drill some holes in those frame to get rid of some extra weight. Probably won't lighten it up too much, but every little bit helps.
Looks great so far though.
Will continue on with the wings layer today

heres a pic of the Plane I'm doing it as



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Thanks guys

Terry Thought we were all gona put pedals in our mini planes?,can't put so much effort into some static.Wheres the fun in that?

And Yes Bucksnort101 already planned on having folding wings otherwise it would take up to much room

now an actual cosair is about 10.3m long so that makes mine very roughly 1/10 scale

The work so far really has taken it out of me

left hand is full of cuts/bumps and slowing me down ,funny enough I'm right handed

will be back out soon but progress will be slow,just gona take it easy and hopefully not hurt myself anymore
Take it easy, you deserve a little R and R. You've already gotten about ten times further that I would have in such a short period of time, and I would probably have nick and cuts on both hands and both feet

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