Rules re posting fraps grabs

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E Hood

Jun 23, 2008
A couple of days ago I began to learn how to produce videos made from fraps extractions. I'm tempted to post a couple of wmv snippets on facebook, so that friends and family can see how I like to waste - er - utilize my limited free time. The number of fraps/Il-2 extracts on Youtube notwithstanding, as an author myself, and a great admirer of Oleg and his crew, I am naturally very concerned about the possibility of copyright violations. Is anyone out there familiar with the specific rules in this regard? Is it possible to contact Mr. M via this forum?
There is no issue with it, so post away. Fraps footage maybe done on a game that has copyright but there is not a copyright on video footage of the game held by the games publisher (applies to most games) so they copyright of any video is technically the video producers...
Odd. I did post a reply last night, but it seems to have vanished.

Any road, many thanks for the advice. I have attempted to view some of the clips posted at this forum, but some of the later videos won't download completely. This is disappointing; I'm especially interested in the re-enactments.

Once again,


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