Russia and V-E Day

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Are you Blind pro west human right organisation did 1.4 milions execudet for political reason under all soviet period where you find 100 milions ?
My apologies to the forum membership. My behavior was not correct, but I do not take being called a Nazi very lightly.
Did not see anything wrong. He calls everything contradicting his stance "nazi propaganda". There is no decent argument possible then. Calling you a nazi because you disagree is a good reason to ban him.
I was recently called a Nazi for disagreeing with a person's commentary - I responded "fine, then be prepared to have a black sedan show up at your house at 3 a.m. to drag you off to never be seen again"
They said what the hell did that have to do with Nazis and I responded "because that's what REAL Nazis did. Be glad I'm not a Nazi..."
Nkvd did the same with far larger numbers of victims.

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