Russia intervenes in Syria

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I read this today it explains everything clearly

"We are supporting Free Syrian Army and its allies. They support and fight with Southern Front,Syria Revolutionaries Front,Jarabulus Brigade,Al-Qassas Army,Jihad in the Path of Allah Brigade,Liwa Thuwwar al-Raqqa,Dawn of Freedom Brigades,Northern Sun Battalion,Knights of Justice Brigade,Thuwar al-Sham Battalions,Homs/Hama Liberation Movement,
Shields of the Revolution Council,Falcons of al-Ghab,Jabhat Ansar al-Islam,Falcons of Mount Zawiya Brigade,al-Rahman Legion,Farouq Brigades,Islamic Front,Ahrar ash-Sham,Jaysh al-Islam,Al-Tawhid Brigade,Army of Mujahedeen,Abu Amara Battalions,Mustafa Martyrs Brigade

So hope that is clear now. Yes they support Isis also but they are officially our enemy to clear up any misunderstanding. "

Personally I think there are some really cool names for sports teams there/
Actually per a Russian ambassador it was Polands fault they were invaded in WW2, we can also blame Poland on this ISIS thing also..

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