Russian Aircraft Markings and Camouflage

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Aug 21, 2006
This thread will be for the discussion of Russian aircraft markings and camouflage.


  • VVS_Markings.JPG
    53.5 KB · Views: 4,263
  • VVS WW2 colour samples.jpg
    VVS WW2 colour samples.jpg
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There is an excellent book (223 pages) inside which modellers could find informations.
Soviet AF Fighter Colours 1941-45 by Eric Pilawskii, edited by Classic Publications.
There is many colours boards, codes boards, cyrillic translations, examples, profiles, anecdots, etc inside it.
I found one few months ago on a commercial link.
This book is organised like this :

Author's Introduction- 6
Preface- 7
Abbreviations and Glossery- 9
A Treatise on VVS Colour Systems- 11
Introduction to Soviet Aircrafts of Great Patriotic War- 27
Chapter I
Lavochkin LaGG-3- 31
Chapter II
Lavochkin La-5, La-5FN, La-7- 50
Chapter III
Mikoyan-Gurevich I-200, Mig-1, Mig-3- 76
Chapter IV
Polykarpov I-15, I-152, I-153- 90
Chapter V
Polykarpov I-16- 104
Chapter VI
Yakovlev Yak-1- 121
Chapter VII
Yakovlev Yak-7, UTI-26- 143
Chapter VIII
Yakovlev Yak-9- 169
Chapter IX
Yakovlev Yak-3- 191
Appendix I
Notable Prototypes and Developmental Aircraft- 202
Appendix II
NKAP Painting Template- 209
Appendix III
VVS National Markings- 210
Appendix IV
Pilots- 211
Appendix V
Performance Tables (Imperial)- 213

The covers :


If you get problem trying to find it I will be honored to give you some help.
Ooops, I forgot .... thank you Wurger for the jpg stuff, some things were missing for skinning.
Good share!!!
An excelent post Wurger thanks .I m building a Mig 3 at the moment and was wondering which green top and blue underside colour would be from the colours you have shown , also what was the interior cocpit colours ? Thanks
Hi Mate,

Unfortumately these tonalities of colours depend on a period of time/year etc...Could you give us more details about your MiG-3?

Or have a look at the site.

MiG-3 family
The kit i will be working on is the Encore 1/72 kit with the True Detail resin addon .It gives decals for the 6 IAK Moscow Defence Zone 1942 .12 Guards Moscow 1942 and AV Shlopov Moscow ,but all these are in the winter camoflauge. I wish to do mine in anything but white .Any info on cocpit colours
will be a great help as im not sure even of dashboard colours.Thanks again
Many thanks for your great help with this aircraft and the additionall info .i will be making a start on this as soon as possible .This is a period of russian aircraft i know little about . Thanks again Wurger a fine job
Hi all.
I know there has been some discussions about Russian colours and the greens in particular on different web forums. Here's a link to a Norwegian site (in English though) about aircraft wrecks. Check out the green camo on this Ilyushin bomber.

Ilyushin Kunes

Hello to everyone Happy Holidays wherever you might be!

Am in the process of modeling one of my older models (began back in the 60's but had to stop during my marriage, long story), this one being a Russian Beriev MBR-2. However, after viewing the rather poor B&W photos online, the difficult to verify art on "Wings Palette," as well as looking through my own library of mag's and books, there's nothing verifiable as to the actual markings and coloration for this gorgeous flying boat. Oh, and have also been through Erik Pilawskii's impressive site, however he focuses on strictly Russian fighters and medium bombers, no seaplanes.

Likewise, have done a full search through this forum, and have seen the one model rep from Australia, but it still does not seem accurate. Needless to say I am quite a stickler for accuracy, inside and out, and even make my own parts as needed.

Any information regarding standard camouflage finishes for the Beriev MBR-2 would be appreciated. Am hoping someone here might have better contacts or search results than I've been blessed with!

Warm Regards,

Eric Burleigh
EBWarbirds (soon to be online!)
Wanted to come back and post a note to let anyone who might see this thread know I goofed and posted the query twice -- Sorry gang! In any event, this was answered quite well over in the second section under "Need Camo Assist ..."

Thanks again to everyone here,

Eric Burleigh

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