Russian P-63 Print Pieces of Real A/C

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Airman 1st Class

I've been adding new stuff on eHanger - but have been missing this forum. Shame on me!

Here's my new piece that's very much 'in progress.' I'm just working on the background and tweaking the composition now - our a/c being pasted-in temporarily. Eventually there will be lots of tracer and fire into the water etc . . .

My idea is to market this as a print w/ an actual piece of Russian lend-lease P-63 Kingcobra #444315 (which will be the a/c in the foreground, firing) - a box of which I just received from the UK.

It's kind of my grand strategy - to offer prints w/ pieces, since autographs are getting so hard to acquire.

Any input or suggestions???


- Ron Cole

Cole's Aircraft Aviation Art by Ron Cole
cool, I just saw the P-39's in grey and I thought those where unpainted renders. So do you photo a plastic model then compose/paint it all in Photoshop? Nice stuff, different
cool, I just saw the P-39's in grey and I thought those where unpainted renders. So do you photo a plastic model then compose/paint it all in Photoshop? Nice stuff, different


Here's one I just completed after pulling an all-nighter. Again, pure Photoshop. I actually lost this image while it was 300+ layers in a 1.5 gig .psd file. Refused to open! I had to flatten the image (not good) and open in Illustrator, then import back into Photoshop . . . but it was ultimately salvaged.

I'm still tweaking it - so suggestions are welcome!

- Ron Cole
Wow! beautiful! that must have been scary when you thought you lost it.
I use ps all the time, I run a retouching studio in NYC, I always do my comps in ps but never thought about finishing it in there, but your stuff is inspiring me to give it a shot. I'm geeked for cs5, I heard it's going to incorporate paint brushes much more like Painter. Anyway, great stuff, thanks for sharing/.
the only suggestion I'd have for the painting iis the clouds above the plane. The 2 blue spaces between the three groups of white clouds look a little too similar to each other, almost pattern like, I'd break up one of those spaces, my eye keeps going to it. Otherwise very nice

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