Santa Barbara Veterans Day parade flyover

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Sep 17, 2004
Moorpark, CA
I got to fly with a parade flyover group last Saturday. The weather was gorgeous and the flyinf was outstanding. We took off from Camarillo in 2 groups, the first was a single ship T-28 and the second was a 2 ship of T-34 Mentors. We formed up over the oil drilling platforms near Santa Barbara for a three ship first pass up State Street. About 3/4 of the way up, the T-28 pulled up and out of the formation and turned for a single ship back down State Street, followed by us in the T-34s.

On the way home, we made a "Beach Run", low altitude over the water at a reasonably good clip. Photos are on my site at the link below:
Van Gilder Aviation Photography, 11-8-2008- Veteran's Day Parade Flyover

Samples? You bet!


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Cheers guys. Last night I got a couple of photos from Don's GIB (guy in back). It's pretty rare that I am in front of the lens these days, so what the heck.


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