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Italy may change their mind eventually if Allied armies occupy Sicily and Southern France. But it doesn't matter either way. Italy can be bypassed for the remainder of the war.Italian government wanted an assurance of an Allied landing before they would surrender
There you go again dave. The support was shifted to Tito and his partisans because the Chetniks had shifted to collaborating with the Germans and Italins, and was more concerned with ethnic cleansing, and fighting the partisans, than fighting invaders.Support shifted to communists during September 1943 as part of diplomatic effort to please Stalin.
Not invading Italy would not have allowed any significant diversion of forces from the southern front, or committment in france, as it would have exposed north Africa and the ME TO generally to re-invasion by the Germans.
Italy turned out not to be "the soft underbelly of the axis" that Churchill promised.
Anyone who has spent a couple months in the army knows that mountains are ideal defensive terrain. Not to mention experience fighting uphill at Gallipoli and in the mountains of 1940 Norway.
PM Churchill undoubtedly had reasons for wanting to land in 1943 Italy.
The invasion of italy was a factor in the surrender of italy. mussolini had been arrested in July, following Husky. The new italian regime under Bagdoglio continued to mouth support for Germany whilst undertaking secret peace talks with the allies. The Italians would not surrender until given assurances of Allied help, which meant an invasion....
The allied committment in Italy was never going to win the war in Italy. But it was still a valuable stepping stone in the road to victory, and ultimately represented good value for the investment made.....
There's no way in hell the Germans had any resources to "re-invade" North Africa or anywhere else of consequence when it was becoming increasingly clear what was happening in the USSR and what was going to be happening in the west.
Check your dates.
Sicily was invaded during July 1943 and caused the Kursk offensive to be curtailed. This is well documented by David Glantz.
Italy was invaded during September 1943. The Italian invasions (Salerno and 8th Army) had no effect on Russian front operations.
July 1943-Optional.
Halt 1943 offensive operations in the Pacific. That will free up about two divisions worth of amphibious transports for employment in Europe. The Normandy invasion could be 5 divisions (i.e. same as 1944 historical). British 8th Army could land 4 divisions on Sicily.
Don't bypass Italy, bypass Mark Clark instead.