Small parts (of models)

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Just wondering if any of the excellent modellers on here use anything like this when assembling or painting small parts.

If so are they help?

If you have a problem with your eyesight...these are very useful.Of course if you don't have the trouble these are helpful as well.I have used similar to the Multi-functional Light Head Magnifying Glass.So if you want you can go for it. Certainly don't exaggerate with purchases.
Yep, I use a magnifying glass attached to the 'Helping Hands' thingy, and also a 3X graphics arts glass, and others. They are also useful for checking small areas after sanding etc, to ensure there are no gaps, deep scratches and so on.
BTW, is the '1rg' in your username a reference to the Royal Greenjackets?
i am getting ols so i need one of those soon.. hehe
my nearsight is not as good as it used to be..damn..before i could read and see every tine little thing.. now its getting harder and harder..
BTW, is the '1rg' in your username a reference to the Royal Greenjackets?

Unfortunately not, my nickname is herman (the German, although I'm 100% English) it's because i'm very organised. the RG part are my real initials.

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