Smithsonian Air and Space Museum - Washington DC

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Private Chemtrail Disperser
Nov 8, 2004
A few weeks ago, the wife and I decided to fly to Washington DC for a lil weekend getaway. It has been over 10 years since the last time I was in DC, so obviously I had to go check out the Smithsonian Air and Space and the Steven Udvar-Hazy Center. I actually have visited both of them back in 2005 and 1998 prior to that, but there are now aircraft on display that were not on display the last times I was there (He 219, Do 335, Ho 229, etc.), so of course it was well worth it.

Here are some pics I took at the museum. My apologies for the quality of some of the pics. It is sort of difficult to good shots of some of the aircraft because of lighting and the way they are clumped together.

Anyhow, hope you enjoy...

First up:

Dornier Do 335A-0 Pfeil

Arado At 234B-2 Blitz


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