Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum

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Private Chemtrail Disperser
Nov 8, 2004
While I was in Washington DC a couple last week, I took the time to go and see the National Air and Space Museum. They have some great WW2 exhibits there. Here I will post some photos of some of the WW2 aircraft there. Unfortunatly some of them are quite dark, my flash did not work too well on them.


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It would not let me post more then 15 so here are some more.


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mosquitoman said:
Wow, I want to go there when I'm 21 (that way I'll be able to drink while I'm over there)

You know that American beer is, lets say for a word, 'watered down'. You need to have 3 bottles to have the same effect a 1 Canuck beer.

Opps forget. Great pics thanks for sharing.
nice pics, just thought i'd mention most of your pics are from the Udvar Hazey museum located at Dulles airport which is part of the air and space museum. also the B-29 is the Enola Gay.
It is one of the best I have ever been too. I have been there now twice but this was the first time since the Udvar Hazey museum which is part of the Smithsonian. The aircraft that would not fit in the original building are housed there including the Space Shuttle Enterprise and an SR-71 Blackbird. Most of the Museums collection still is not on display.
That's a myth!
Especially if you're a Molsen or Labatt drinker.

Those are great pics, Adler! I'd love to visit that place!
No it is Moosehead.

Tell my American friends that who would rather have our beer because they did not have to drink as many to get drunk. If we matched them bottle for bottle, us with American beer, at the end of the night we would be still standing while they would be on the floor.
They've obviously been brainwashed by Canuck propaganda.
Honestly, I can't tell the difference between Bud and Molsen Canadian or Blue. To each their own, I guess.

Sorry for turning this into a beer thread.
KraziKanuK said:

They have the only surviving Ta -152H.

Unfortunatly it is not on display at the moment.

As for the beer, nothing beats a good old Crystal Weizen, Hefe Weizen, Wahrsteiner, Stuttgarter Hofbrau, Pils, Killkenny, or Guinness! They put all other beers to shame.
the Green 4 of Walter Loos at the Smithsonian will be undergoing a complete overhaul and colour pating job soon I hope. When Walter heard this he was thrilled, but sadly he has passed on.......never to see it completed

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