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I think if they didn't have fire arms Les then it would be nothing than as you said using Machete's and Panga's too lop off bits of each other. Sounds like Kenya in the late fifties when the Mau Mau rebels went round hacking up the white farmers then the Russians imported arms to them to fight the white capitalist British (cold war and all that shit). Where they Russian or Chinese 47's Les?, I believe to date the Chinese have produced more 47's than the Russians did and as they distrust the West more nowadays I wonder who made the arms (not that it was them who supplied them of course) . ;)
Track your machette's description are relevent for what is happening to the Afrikan innocents in the Sudan by the Muslim clowns....
I'll have to make a scan of one of my head hunter weapons. It is almost space aged in design and at least 100 years old.

by the way we used iron cored rounds in our sniper rifles .... 8) Be aware what you don't see will kill you.
Les and Flyboy are right. The .50 BMG doesn't blow people apart and send bodyparts (or entire bodies) flying as shown on that video.

The guy who took the video is from Salt Lake City, Utah. He and a friend were shooting rockchucks with a 6mm Ackley Improved with 75 grain V-Max bullets.

For those who may not know what this cartridge is, it's a 6mm Remington cartridge that has been customized (blown out) to enlarge its powder capacity.

I'm guessing that those bullets were exiting the barrel possibly as fast as 3,750 feet per second.

Concerning the video's use as a depiction of the war on terror, he said, "I'm not sure which has surprised me more, the number of people gullible enough to believe that this could actually be people being shot, with a .50 caliber, or the number of people willing to help themselves to my copyrighted material. Depressing, either way..."
or the number of people willing to help themselves to my copyrighted material. Depressing, either way..."
What a complete pussy ass thing to say... I wonder if u could spare him some tissues for his tears david... If not i could probably steal a couple from the bathroom.....

As david stated, I have seen what a Barret 82A1 can do, and know its damage capabilities, and what that first clip showed could not have been what it was labeled...

I have to admit, I was HIGHLY interested when I first started downloading this clip.... LOL
Les, copyright infringement is a serious matter. This guy invested lots of time and money making videos of varmint hunting which he sells for profit.

Sound familiar? "This site is for research, teaching and the enjoyment of its members that means that we must respect others intellectual property and copy rights." Kiwimac

I don't consider Kiwimac to be an aider and abeter or sympathizer of "pussy asses".

For what I think are rather obvious reasons, as an admin on this forum, your comments should always err on the side of the protection of intellectual property rights.

Should the owner(s) of this forum ever be sued for copyright infringement, comments like yours would be considered evidence of the forum's "culture of permissiveness" with respect to such violations.
Les, copyright infringement is a serious matter.
No it isnt......
This guy invested lots of time and money making videos of varmint hunting which he sells for profit.
Blah blah blah....... I all broken up about this varmit killers little life..... Lighten up..... The worlds waaaay to serious already, and ur kinda gripin just makes it worse..... I dont see anybody on the internet makin any money off that stupid ass video clip, so why u got such a bug up ur ass over it???
that means that we must respect others intellectual property and copy rights."
Shooting rockchucks aint "intellectual" property... Its hunting....... I dont care much for copyright law, never have, nor will I ever care about it... Being an Admin is neither here nor there either... I'll do my best to promote it here, but otherwise pfffttt...
comments like yours would be considered evidence of the forum's "culture of permissiveness" with respect to such violations
What kind of a pussy are u dude??? A regular one or extra crispy..... Gimme a freakin break.....
Certain copyright laws i agree with, but not some hillbilly whos makin some extra $$$ plunkin chucks... I dont care... And this all over some lame ass vid clip HA!

Rare pics and personal picture copyright laws are ok, but if u dont want a picture republished on the internet, DONT PUT IT ON THE INTERNET...

OMFG! Someone's snorted too much Ritalin. Dude, do us all a favor and step away from the keyboard, go to the medicine cabinet and take your tranquilizers. Then, go right to the phone, call your psychiatrist and get your sorry hairless ass back into psychotherapy!

I can't believe that you actually deconstructed and analyzed everything I wrote. All I did was comment that this guy's film is in fact protected by copyright laws. Les, the law doesn't make a distinction between a documentary film concerning the Luftwaffe, this guys films of him blowing up small animals or those gay porn videos that you shoot in your basement.

As for political correctness, if you think about it, the "Politically Correct" thing would be to deny intellectual property rights to someone because the subject matter involves the killing of small fuzzy animals.

For Christ's sake dude! You need to get out more often. Why don't you take the rest of the day off and take your boyfriend to dinner. We can talk more about your vast knowledge of intellectual property law after your head is clear.


The Alabama Hillbilly Treatise on Intellectual property Law by Lesofprimus

Chapter One: Copyright

"Rare pics and personal picture copyright laws are ok, but if u dont want a picture republished on the internet, DONT PUT IT ON THE INTERNET..."

I can't wait to read your books on nuclear engineering and brain surgery.
You seem to have some fixation on homosexuality. Anytime Les gets under your skin, you mention gay porn or a boyfriend.

Why is this ONE thing that is on this site such a big deal. There is other copyrighted material here, some of it is used with permission, some perhaps not. But if you want to be a stickler for copyrights, there is probably things that YOU have posted that is also copyrighted, including your avatar. Get off your high horse and settle down.
What I understood was that DAVID posted someone else's comments about people infringing on that person's copyrite. lesofprimus then attacked that persons views and then DAVID pointed out that copyrite laws in general were a serious matter which IMHO is true. At least its a serious enough matter on this forum to have a warning posted on the forum homepage about it.

Can't really comment on any gay porn. Haven't seen any.
Thank you Sal.

Evan, ever notice that whenever Les criticizes someone, he launches a tirade with "pussy" this and "pussy" that? Sort of like on this thread where he says "What a complete pussy ass thing to say..." and "What kind of a pussy are u dude?"

Are you similarly concerned that his "fixation on pussy" might mean either that he wishes he had one or that he himself is just a closet pussy?
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