Something embarrassing

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Tech Sergeant
Nov 5, 2005
I thought this might be a funny thread and as well as one that will let us all learn that little funny part about each other alittle better. Here is my idea, its simple. Everytime you post, post one thing that is embarrassing about yourself that you would perfer other people not know. I think it will be funny and enlightening about a few of our members.

I will start first and it can be about anything or happened anytime in your life.

Few days ago I downloaded a two songs from ..... Justin Timberlake onto my MP3 player. I know I know that is .......embarrassing.

1) Cry me a River
2) Girlfriend

But I swear I have never downloaded any Britney Spears in my life.:lol: :lol:
Early evening at the weekend a few years back. Had just finished beer number two when the Fire siren cracked off.

Into the station, gear on and strraight to a medium sized house fire.

Donned the BA (breathing apparatus) gear with my partner and off inside we went. While fighting the fire I got rather uncomfortable around the bladder, and eventually decide "what the h@ll" and filled the boots so to speak.

Well it was safer than waving it around in a fire.

Partner just about wet himself when before we left from inside I emptied my boots and hosed down with the nozel. :D

He has kept his word not to tell anyone, but gives me heaps in private.
k9kiwi said:
Early evening at the weekend a few years back. Had just finished beer number two when the Fire siren cracked off.

Into the station, gear on and strraight to a medium sized house fire.

Donned the BA (breathing apparatus) gear with my partner and off inside we went. While fighting the fire I got rather uncomfortable around the bladder, and eventually decide "what the h@ll" and filled the boots so to speak.

Well it was safer than waving it around in a fire.

Partner just about wet himself when before we left from inside I emptied my boots and hosed down with the nozel. :D

He has kept his word not to tell anyone, but gives me heaps in private.

Good one, I have to admit I did laugh.:lol:
Years back my girlfriend (now my wife) and I took in a midnight showing of ET. Arriving drunk, we brought in a six pack (bottles no less) and proceded to drink them during the movie and roll them down the theater during the show. Funny at the time. But not near as funny as it must have been for the other theater goers and the vacuumer when the lights were turned up REAL bright, the theater emptied and my girlfriend and I were snoring away. It was about 20 minutes or so after the movie that someone woke us up. As we left the lobby you could hear the guffawing behind the food stand.

Perhaps not REALLY embarrassing, but I'm not showing my full hand yet.
when i was 3 yrs old, i was on a stage dancing, then i saw my parents leaving (or i thought they were) so i was like cry-dancing on the stage, the whole audience laughed their asses off
One time I bumped into a girl (who last time I seen her was very cute 115 lbs girl) I had not seen in 4-5 years and she was very large, I said oh I see you are pregnant, congrats!!!!!

She looked straight at me in my eyes without a hint of humour showing on her face and said .......... no I am not pregnant.

Well thats when my face went red, I looked down at the floor and realized that she was not pregnant, she was just fat, really fat. I removed my foot from my mouth and said "oh sorry" and walked away feeling like a big jackass.

So guys the moral of the story is this. When you see a woman that has a large tummy.......assume she is fat........not pregnant. :D If she is pregnant she will say she is shortly after you start talking to her. If she is just fat she will say nothing about her weight. :lol:
Several years ago called a tow truck to pick up a project car (it wouldn't start up) I had been working on (73 Duster - put in a Mopar 8 3/4 Sure-Grip 4.11), and the mechanics called me back to tell me it was out of gas.... DUH!
Ok, here's one.

When I was in 6th grade we were having a Christmas party. We were playing heads-up sven up so it was real quiet. This guy did a impression of Micheal Jackson whil we were tapping people's thumbs,(of course I had a full tank of gas if you know what i mean...) and i made a lot of repititions of farts. :lol:
you bloody well looked it when you were asked the formula for momentum and you didn't have a clue ;)

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