Spanish Civil War: Nationalist Air Force

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The Canadian Car Foundry Co acquired a manufacturing licence for the FF-1, of which it completed a total of 57, some of them assembled from US-built components. A total of 40 aircraft were acquired by the Spanish Republican Government in 1937 via intermediaries from Turkey.[7] This batch was built primarily to bypass the US embargo placed on belligerents during the Spanish Civil War.[2] Referred to as the GE-23 Pedro Rico by the Spanish Republican Air Force, the aircraft were used in the conflict, but were not well matched against their chief opponent, the Fiat CR.32, although one victory against a Heinkel was the only recorded "kill" by a Grumman biplane fighter. Eight survived to serve in the Ejército del Aire Español as the Delfin (Dolphin).


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Engineers Arturo González-Gil (who had worked in workshops Loring) and Jose Montes Pazó designed a two-seat trainer aircraft with open cockpit inspired by Miles M.2 Hawk, designated GP-1, equipped with a motor ADC Cirrus. The prototype flew successfully in 1931. In 1935 they won a contest for the Military Aviation School, presenting the GP-1 with a Walter Junior engine, whose prototype flew in July 1934 (with only minor design changes with respect to GP 1), which imposed on the Loring-X, Hispano E-34 and Chirta Adaro 1.E.7. It won a contract to make 100 copies commissioned Aeronáutica Industrial SA (AISA).

At the outbreak of Civil War AISA was only able to complete 9 units in its factory in Carabanchel, the pressure of the front made ​​the project be moved to the site of the airfield of La Rabasa in Alicante where there were other 31 (some sources rising to 46) units . These planes were used in training roles, reconnaissance and liaison. Most of the equipment produced by the nationals were captured at the end of the war. The model was in service in the Air Force until 1956.


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EXcelent pics! but one comment to make: The Spaniard which followed Gral Francisco franco were not "Nationalists", as erroneously and often translated by the foreign press, but "Nationals"
"Nacionales" in Castillian)..The opposing side..Well, they referred to their Air Force and their Army as "La Fuerza Aérea Roja", El Ejército Rojo"..draw your own conclusisons gentlemen..Cheers!

Well, not exactly, perhaps if we translate these terms to the english they have a different meaning, but both terms were used, although like you say, "nacionales" is more appropriate.The republican air force was also known as F.A.R.E (Fuerza Aerea de la Republica Española) although officially it never existed.
P.S. I forgot to mention the autor of Alas Rojas Sobre España..Miguel Sanchis...I'am attaching a commentary on this pioneer work..

as Rojas sobre España es un estudio sobre la Aviación roja escrito por Miguel Sanchís ante la confusión y escasez de noticias que acerca del material aeronáutico empleado por los rojos durante nuestra Cruzada se ha dejado sentir desde hace diecisiete años (la obra fue publicada en 1956).
El libro, sólo tomó cuerpo en el mismo instante en que llegaron a mis manos documentos fidedignos y acreditativos sobre los aviones de la Aviación marxista. Un tema que interesa y debe interesar, me pareció sugestivo, y pronto, la idea de publicar un resumen que contuviera acciones, cifras y datos referentes a las olas rojas fue un hecho.

Un año después, lo que yo he creído siempre asunto de suma importancia política y vibrante actualidad, aunque internacionalmente pretendiera se relegarlo al olvido desde 1939, se convirtió en Alas Rojas Sobre España.

Hi I was just wondering if the Ro.37 was in Spain with the inline A.30 engine at any point? All I can find is the bis version

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