Usually two or three debriefings at same time - squadron CO/lead ship flight commanders covered the mission highlights including times, routes, flak locations, target visibility, weather/visibility along the route, first contact with enemy fighters and details of the attacks - includng time and place of losses.In earlier episodes they showed some debriefing/interrogation scenes.
Mainly what was said in these was which bombers they saw go down, and the number of parachutes they saw.
Were the actual debriefings like that, or more detailed about strength and position of the flak defences, strength of the fighter opposition, what tactics they used, weather, etc.?
Gunners had a separate review to parse times and contacts and claims and also recollections of losses.
The briefings were first prformed by squadron intelligence teams, then collectively review with group intelligence. The squadron IO wrote up the 10-14 point mission summary and passed to group where it was distilled and sent to Division.