1,4701 hp, 380 mph @ 22,500 ft for the Mk Vb.
1,720 hp, 408 mph @ 22,000 ft where, with the cube root of the power increase rule, we'd expect 400 mph. So, the new nose, 4-bladed prop, and whatever "cleanup" was done added 8 mph to the expected top speed. Not bad, but not great, either. Still, it WAS a useful jump in performance.
At 22500 ft, the Merlin 45 or 50 on the Mk.V will be making about 1000 HP with ram, not 1470. Not even the Merlin 46 or 47 (the ones with big S/C) will do more than 1100 at 22500 ft. See your chart.
The pilot of Spitfire VB will be very happy if it can fly at 360 mph at 22500 ft straight and level.
The Merlin 66 will do perhaps 1550 HP at 22500 ft with ram. FWIW: data sheet