Spitfires in the Luftwaffe?

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German Spitfires (that I know of):

Spitfire Mk.I Bogus British markings 'G-X' .Airworthy and used in propoganda photographs, with Badly positioned and proportioned roundels
Spitfire Mk.Ia ?-?? RAF camouflage with large Balkenkreuz (crosses) –Airworthy
Spitfire Mk.Ia RAF camo with overpainted codes and badly positioned and proportioned roundels applied, Airworthy and used in the famous 'Spitfire seen up close from an He111' propoganda photos.
Spitfie Mk.Ia '5+?' Bogus British markings, including badly positioned and proportioned roundels and fin-flashes. Airworthy and flown by Bf 109 pilots.
Spitfire Mk.V AZ-N ??277 'Duty Dick', ex 234 sqn. Emergency landed near Cherbourg. Retained RAF camo and serial, but codes lightly overpainted and large Balkenkreuz applied. Spit Mk.I metal prop. Airworthy
Spitfire Mk.V ?-?? EN830 'CJ+ZY' fitted with DB605A engine for comparitive flight testing
Spitfire MK.Vb SD-E AA837, ex 501 sqn. RAF camo, codes , serials, and A1 style roundels. Airworthy
Spitfire Mk.Vb RS-T . Robert Stanford-Tuck's personal aircraft, 29 kills. Brought down by ground fire during low level sweeps over the French beaches. RAF camo, A1 style roundels, wooden Jablo prop. Wrecked but repairable
Spitfire Mk.Vb AZ-B, ex 234 sqn. A1 roundels, Spit Mk.I metal prop. WBR
Spitfire Mk.Vb UZ-A AB364, ex 306 sqn. A1 style roundels.WBR
Spitfire PR.XI 'T9+ZB' large Balkenkreuz applied, Airworthy
Spitfire PR.XI 'T9+EK' large Balkenkreuz applied, Airworthy


LuftArchiv.de - Das Archiv der Deutschen Luftwaffe –Beuteflugzeuge (captured aircraft);
Spifire in Action, Squadron signal No.39;
Die grossen Lutfschlacten des Zweiten Welt Kriegs –Kaiser Verlag;
Plus two other books – photocopied info, but didn't record book titles.

From one of them:
"By the beginning of the Battle of Britain the Germans had captured four Spitfires in flying or repairable condition"

... While according to 'Flugzeug Typen Der Welt' (Bechtermünz Verlag):
"The first Spitfires to be operated outside of the United Kingdom were Mk.V's, which were shipped on board the HMS Eagle to Malta on March 7th 1942"

Squadron Signal's 'Spitfire in Action' also mentions "tropicalized Spitfire Vb's sent to Malta...7 squadrons in the Mediterranean by June 1942".

Research on the net will no doubt give more info, I don't have time at the moment to check.

Try this thread....


Antoni - as for.....
AB824 Spitfire F.Vb (Merlin 45); TOC/RAF 30.8.41; No.303 Sqn ('RF-S'), Circus 119, force-landed near St.Omer, France 4.4.42 (F/Lt Z Kurstrzynski, PoW); To an air depot of the Luftwaffe; Fate unknown.
Here's the story (from "In Enemy Hands" by Bryan Philpott, courtesy of ccheese)

" On April 4, 1942, still at Northolt, but now under the command of S/L Kolaczkowski, RAF No. 303 Sqdrn was ordered to join forces with 316 and 317 squadrons, to form the escort for 12 Bostons detailed to attack St. Omer. Using the call sign 'Boiler', 12 Spitfires took off from Northolt at 09:40 hours and rendezvoused east of Chatham at 10:03 hours before heading for France where they patrolled th coast at 21,000 feet. Light flak was seen over Boulogne and the fighters soon detected their charges flying at 17,000 feet and turned north of Hardelot to cover them over the target.
....The Bostons seperated into 2 boxes of 6 - one section turning sharply to port and descending while the second section made a shalloer turn and held their height for a few minutes longer. A glint of sun onmetal warned 303 that other aircraft were above them and they turned to face 2 sections of Bf 109s and Fw 190s, placing themselves between the enmy fighters and the Bostons. Meanwhile 8 more Fw 190s were seen approaching from the direction of Boulogne and 316 turned to meet the new threat which by now had formed into 4 sectons of 2 and attacked the Spitfires in line astern.
....F/O Horbalzewski of 'A' Flight in AD940 tusseled with an Fw 190 and sent it spinning down out of control then left the flight to escort a damaged Boston to the Kent coast, F/S Popek, his 'A' Flight colleague in AD116 having already accounted for the Fw 190 which had attacked the bomber.
....Two 303 Squadron pilots were heard to make distress calls, but in the melee their individual call numbers were not heard, although one was reported to be landing his damaged aircraft in France. On return to Northolt, F/L Daszewski 'B' Flight Commander (Boiler 15) in AD455 and F/L Kustrzynski (Boiler 51) in AB824 were missing. So names could be put against the 2 men who had made the radio transmissions during the combat. F/L Kustrzynski was the Ops Room Controller and he was the pilot who landed his damaged Spitfire in France where it was recovered by the Luftwaffe."

and some pics of other captured spits.


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The Polish Wing lost 3 pilots during Circus 119. Kustrzyński PoW, Daszewski was killed as well as 316 Sqn's F/O Jan Muszel. The pilot of AD940 was Horbaczewski not Horbalzewski.

Kustrzyński's Spitfire being recovered by the Germans.

Polish fighter pilots in 1943 while PoWs. L-R back row. Bronisław Mickiewicz (315 sqn, Władyslaw Szczęśniewski (315 Sqn), Zbigniew Gutowski (302 Sqn), Stefan Kołodyński (303 Sqn), Zbigniew Kustrzyński (303 Sqn), Witold Łokuciewski (303), Eugeniusz Nowakiewicz (302 Sqn), Wacław Wilczewski (316 Sqn), Stefan Janus, Lech Xiężopolski (542 RAF), Stanisław Pietraszkiewicz (315 Sqn), Roman Pentz (306 Sqn), Emil Landsman (306 Sqn), Czeslaw Daszuta (306 Sqn). Front row. L-R. Bernard Buchwald (316 Sqn), Stanisław Król (74 RAF), Jerzy Zbierzchowski (308 Sqn), Stefan Maciejewski (308 sqn).


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Thanks, Antoni for correcting the spelling. And that pic of the recovery of RF S seems to be very popular. I see it everywhere.
It was great to see that photo of my godfather Stefan Maciejweski (Crofton) as a POW in 1943. He had the misfortune to be a "double caterpillar", shot down twice into the English Channel ... once in a Hurricane and later in a Spit. He passed away about 15 years ago here in Sydney, Australia.

"Get Me a Squadron of Spitfires"

Always wondered how Galland got away with that remark shown in the movie "Battle oF Britain", mentioned in his book, audio online google Galland 1912-1996 or link here;
> http://members.aol.com/geobat66/galland/quotes.htm<

Went to the 85 (?) CAF airshow in Harlingen in Mitsubisi's corporate MU -2(thanks to Bruce W!!) I went to get adult beverages for all the passengers and found myself looking at Gen Galland sitting by himself, I asked him if he would like a beer "Ya!" I took the opp to ask him what Goring said to him after he made that remark, he replied "He never spoke to me for the rest of the war" !!!Recently a neighbor of Luft. ace Franz Stigler confirmed my memory and added Goring sicked the Gestapo on Galland until Hitler heard about it and called them off!
I saw the picture of the Polish Wing. My wife knew Bronislaw Mickiewicz when he lived in the Bahamas. I knew Bronic's wife Dora. Does anyone know what part Bronic had in The Great Escape?

Bronislaw Mickiewicz was a POW at Stalag 3 the second time he was shot down. He was there at the time of the Great Escape.

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