Strange Lettering

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she used to retrieve coins, so people would through pennies and she would pick them all up.

I got to school with this retarded kid that does that, only thing is when he picks them up he whips them at people. One time he hit a teacher right in the head with one :lol:
Retards....... Tards for short........

Worst Bumper Sticker known to Mankind:

Hire the Handicapped... They're Fun to Watch.......


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Mona picked up all the pennies that people threw. It was kind of funny, but I was good friends with her sister, so it was tough to laugh or not to. Anyway, I wonder if she got the last laugh and lives in a mansion now with all those pennies saved up.
I know lots of mentally handicapped people, my cousin's mentally handicapped and I feel really sorry for him cos his dad (my uncle) is a complete asshole who has no manners or respect for anyone, and he forces my cousin to help him work and stuff, its a shame...
Now, now, the word 'gay' had none of the meanings that it does today..:lol:

:oops: Actually, the term was used with that conotation going back to the late 18th C....there was even a late '30's 'screwball comedy' with Cary Grant swapping bodies with his wife...she--in Grant's body--puts on her normal frock to do something, and someone questions it, and the response is "I've gone gay", which somehow got tottally by the Hayes office, and even made it onto TV....can't remember the name, though, one might try the IMDB....

pgf:| 8)
>:oops: Actually, the term was used with that conotation going back to the late 18th C....

Online Etymology Dictionary

Eric Brown on strange lettering (from "Wings of the Luftwaffe"):

"He 111P-1 bombers awaiting delivery to the Luftwaffe in 1939. The singularly inappropriate radio call sign on the fuselage of the second aircraft is noteworthy."

(The photographs shows a He 111 with the code NO+GO.)


Henning (HoHun)

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