Due to the exceptionally nice weather of last weekend I didn't build much but drove around looking for a replacement for my old Harley, well, plenty of choice, if you have a well-filled wallet, but for a poor working student like me it is different. So I'm looking for an old one again, because they have the best engines without injection. Yep, injection is very handy, I believe that immediately, but I miss the engine character, I also have that with Japanese people. Anyway, old american shit is nice, but now back to the old british shit
So I was working on the rear wheel, I had to sand it again to get it to fit, because the model was good, only more suitable for a 1/24 scale.
I wrote that I would build it and I quote from my own work
"I thought about making it movable as well, but I'm afraid I won't get the pivot pin holes right in BH7 without wrecking other things, but..........I never say never"
So pay particular attention to the last 4 words ................. and yes, I made it moving anyway, including the hydraulic jack that brings about the retraction or extension
the OFF position
And the retracted position
Okay, I thought the photo would be sharper, the photo below is sharp and there you can see that I still have some sanding to do
the jack is just in front of the master cylinder and also rotates to feed, hopefully it is clearly visible in the next photo
The pins still have to be shortened, but so far I still want to disassemble it, the brackets for the jack are quite heavy, they will be touched up a bit but I have to make a bottom strip for truss 6 to get everything solid for the construction of the fuselage, that will become clearer later, somewhere in May 2023 I think.
But because the rudder surfaces will make the stick and foot rudder move, I also have to make something with which I can lower the tailwheel from the cockpit, so I connected some bayonet couplings, filled some oil and tested it.
So that didn't go well, luckily I had put a protective sheet over my cutting mat
Well, those bayonet connections are probably a bit too old