Stripped down Mosquito MK IV 1/32

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Thanks guys. Given UP so soon isn't my style, Andy. However, I saw this afternoon some realy nice model in the strip down style and I told the wife "it's nice work what I am building but compares to thema, it's just kindergartenlevel. But you know, you should always lookup and never down, thats what inspire me to get better
I should probably clarify. Knowing my tendency to add lots of detail to my builds, I probably would have recognized the challenge of undertaking the task that you have given yourself and rather than quitting, I probably would never have started!
Well, I have made some little steps with the Mossie

I ended the last time with the elevator controls on the backside of the wing, Made some progress, allthough I have to clean up or improve some parts

Ypu also can see some nuts and bolts I used, but with my metric tools I didn't get the stuff locked, so I invested in englisch tools

So, the job was easy as well

In real, the elevator is mounted with brackets to Bulkhead 7 and the backside is mouted with some tubes and thode are contructed to some kinda hinges, it's a marvelous sytem , you can adjust the whole wing
I had to make the tubes, the hinges and the brackets, well, it's in this scale so tiny, that must be in no time ready. Wow, in theory yes, but on the worktable no

Made some basicvorms to see how it can be done

The lower tubes are mouted in brackets on BH7, I could made this tiny things but I ahd decides to make them when I made the tubes, so on the pic the parts I needed

And with some hard labor I had this raw part

Ondertussen ook nog even de buitenste scharnierogen voor de hoogteroervlakken gemaakt (de kleine koperkleurige stukjes)

I first started with the tube hinges in messing, but halfway, I decided to make them from Evergreen and copper, so I took some carbage plastic and copper and made some nuts

Putting it together and you have the movable hinges, not really correct but I have not that skills you see sometimes on Youtube

The have to dry before cutting the wire

So, I could place the hinges on the wing and put them with with the right torque and after that I put the tubehinges on the wing
Nice, again a step further to the ending of this model

At least I mounted the bulheadcontruction to wing or you have to call it otherwise?

After looking at the pics on a big screen, I have to work better to make it nice and clean I suppose
Till now I have the next steps in mind
After finishing tail, painting the "wood" parts in base Light woodcolor followed by 50 shades of brown, metalparts in interior Light green.
After that the skin will party built UP by 3 layers very thin wood, the skin will be like a spiral. Outer skin will be in a pattern
Headwing same as elevator, engine not brandnew but also not heavy used.
Cockpit like the real one, but with washes
Bombing also in green, undercarriage also real. Bombing station partwise ppainted. That whats I have plannen, but things can be chanced

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