Stug III and Opel Blitz.

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Dec 9, 2007
Revis Island.
Got these two kits a month ago and was in the distant future planning on making and finishing a diorama with both vehicles. I was curious if there are any pics anyone may have of and Opel and Stug III are seen together.. I am thinking more of a diorama in Russia... but who knows....



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or just make it late 44 on the Ost front the Blitz could carry 7.5cm rounds as well, any and all vehicles were used to carry arms and munitions, so does not have to be an ambulance vehicle unless you wanted kt to be so.
Some more inspiration..


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Jan your one to talk! Beaufighter, Me-110, Ju-88, B-25, and a couple cars. Me! Busy

What makes you say that?

I have all the material I need.

MIG pigments that mix into a mud look.
Two part epoxy for water
The kits
All I need are scenery and a base.

I have a idea! After this HH GB is over or my entries (I am entering a Do-217) are done... the dio will be a burned out Stug on the side of the road and an Opel on a muddy road passing by. The side of the road will have shell holes and such

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