Stuka test

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Thanks! Good to know there are no major boo-boos, so I can move on now...

More Phantoms coming now, and then I must apply myself to some 'proper' work!
I saw that I had missed out the top edge of the cockpit framing - so fixed that, and added a couple more Stukas while I was at it...

Ju-87 B2 of III/StG2, Luftwaffe circa 1940.

Ju-87 B2 of 2/StG2, Luftwaffe circa 1941.

Ju-87 B2 of 3/StG3, Luftwaffe circa 1941.



Ju-87 B2 of 11/LG1, Luftwaffe circa 1941.

Ju-87 B2 of StabII/StG1, Luftwaffe circa 1941.

Ju-87 B2 of 11/StG2, Luftwaffe circa 1941.

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