T Bolts Pics

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More photos from Clow International Airport (don't know why its called "International Airport, only has one runway and no terminal or tower that I can see )

Here's one I'm sure Karl will be interested in. This Sikorsky S-58T is based a couple of hangers over from us. They do lifts that a crane can't do like putting air conditioning units on building roofs or antennas on tall buildings. They must have a lot of spare parts to keep something that old going day in and day out. It vibrates the whole office every morning when they warm it up.

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Thanks Glenn, brrrrr (shivers)

Yeah, last one i saw look a bit like this !
The one here is the turbojet version. Don't know if they makes it any safer but thoes guys are always up in it, going some where almost every morning
With all the rain here lately I found a leak in the windows on the back porch behind my model bench area that has caused water damage in the wall and is going to require some drastic action. I spent all day Sunday breaking down and packing up everything in the area including all my model building supplies and most of my unbuilt model stash.
The first 2 pictures is what it was like before and the last one is the same area I took this morning. I still have to clean out the stored stuff under the bench, and move the bench before I can get to work on the windows. I'm hoping that after I remove the paneling under the windows I can get away with repairing the bottom sill of the windows and some of the framing below. At the very least I wont be building any models for a while.

Since last September I've been on a big bridge project, the reconstruction of what they call the "Mile Long Bridge" on Interstate I-294 in the southwest suburbs of Chicago. The bridge goes across a rail yard, the Deplanes River, The Chicago Ship and Sanitary Canal, The Illinois and Michigan Canal, and another rail road track, and is actually a mile long.
Last fall when I got here they were finishing up the first phase which was a new north bound bridge build next to the old bridge. This year the south bound phase started and the demolition of the old bridge started and will probably go on for the better part of this year.

I'm calling these pictures "The Death of a Bridge"

Some times it isn't the most pleasant place to work.
The map below shows the location. The pink box is the bridge. The red arrow points to the Ship & Sanitary Canal and the blue Arrow points to the Deplanes River. The land between them is a very thin island that is miles long. The bad part is the dark rectangle shapes on the island either side of the bridge that the yellow arrows point to. They are sewage drying ponds where ALL the sewage from Chicago ends up.
It makes for a very interesting aroma that never seams to go away.


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