T Bolts Pics

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Here it is, done (except for a bit of adjustment) with the boat on it. I found I had to make some changes to it, the biggest one being to swap out the 7' 2x4s roller bunks (blue rollers) for 10' 2x6s. This sure is going to beat having to drag it to the public boat launch every time I pop up for a weekend.

It wasn't a mater of too bendy as it was too short. When I first cranked the boat up the back end started loosing support from the water before it gained support from the first bunk roller and the boat started tipping sideways. With the longer bunks this was lessened quite a bit bit not altogether eliminated. The problem is that my boat does not have a constant "V" shaped hull. it tapers from just about flat at the rear to a sharp V at the bow so as its being cranked up the place it needs to be supported changes. That's the reason I had to design this thing my self. You can buy these boat launches pre-made, or kits, bit they are for boats with a constant V shaped hull.
I think I have everything pretty well solved, just have to anchor the front end down as it wants to pop up off the blocks when I begin winching the boat up.
Here's another project I have going.
My back lot is pretty steep and as seen earlier in this thread I have had erosion problems. Over the last few years I have done a lot of work to re-direct the water into ditches and last year I built the first of 2 walls to terrace the hill beside my driveway where most of the remaining water causing trouble is coming from.
The wall will catch the water and direct it into a drain pipe. It's bigger than it appears in the pictures, the blocks being 16" x 6 " instead of the more common smaller blocks. I have begun the digging for the second Terrace wall behind the first as can be seen in the first picture. It's all hand work being done with a spade and maddox and has been very slow going and will be on hold after my knee surgery for quite a while.
I hope to get the second wall up before winter so its in place for next springs rains but that depends on how fast I heal up.

Well I guess I'll be leaving that to you Karl

The wall has turned out to be a lot harder work than I thought it would be and I'm not as young as I use to be.
It's not the actually building of the wall that's hard, it's getting to the point where you can start setting the wall blocks. It took me I day to set all the blocks in the 1st wall but a week to dig and set the footing blocks. The second wall involve about 10 times as much digging and it's all in stiff clay.
I think that this will be the last job of this magnitude that I will be a attempting. I am coming to realize that the body is a lot older than the mind thinks it is when I dream up these projects.
Just portion the workload. It will still be fun when done. We all get old. Perhaps we can get smarter with age.

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