I think I would go with the olive cowl and white rudder. Not as flashy, but probably closer to the truth. I was giving the streaking on the fuselage a lot of thought when I put the model aside (Realized that it was somewhat larger than 1/48 scale and put it away teed-off that I has put so much work in it) What I had planed was similar to the wood grain. Spray on an enamel base coat of a tan color then go over it with acrylic olive with a wide stiff brush, continuing to brush it as the paint dried leaving the streaks. If remember right I had the fuselage complete and the wings ready to install. I should pull it out just to see if the olive streaking will work. If it turns into a disaster the loss is only about $6 and the time I put in on the kit all those years ago. If it works I can get one of the newer kits and do it up right. That is if I can sneak it in the house. I have the same problem as you Vic in that regards. Although the Super Corsair I brought home last week didn't go over too bad. She couldn't pass up a deal that big either!