Tamiya 1/48 Fiesler Fi103 V-1

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Nov 22, 2009
The Jungles of Canada
The Royal Newfoundland Air Force hack will be finished after the holiday so I thought why not start another project. 17 pieces, 8 for the V-1. What's pictured represents 45 minutes. More after dinner.
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Another 25 minutes go by.

I should have mention in the first post that the wings were just push fitted for the photo. Just letting the glue dry and should be back shortly

Sorry for the delays. What should be a couple of hours total is turning into a marathon.Can barely walk for a week and no doctors available until tomorrow.Did some dry brushing on the trolley. Might tone it down a bit. Got the rlm76 down and going to mask and do the top color later. I'm upstairs and my printer is downstairs so the decal mottling project will have to wait(13 steps have become Mt Everest this week).

Thanks David. Still playing with Paint.NET for the mottling on the clear decal film. This is only a test.

One small concern is the match of the decal color to the paint I'm using for the top color. Or perhaps the Germans used a different paint stock.

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AAAAArrrgggg. Going to touch up the trolley. Didn't realize the cap wasn't on tight....rlm66 e..v..e..r..y...w..h..e..r..e. Thank god it wasn't my enamel bottle. Question on the trolley. Some pictures of the model version show the trolley in a wood color and some as I have painted it. I realize at this stage of the war, metal was scarce but I don't think a wood version could support the weight of the V-1. Any thoughts? Thanks..Geo
Hope you recover soon - I know exactly what it's like to be immobile!
Pics i've seen of the trolley appear to show it being wood, probably with metal reinforcing, although that's not to say metal trollies weren't used also.
Painting is complete. Quick question. I'm going to print the mottling on clear decal film and then apply them to the model. Would I apply the stencils over or under the mottles?

And another test shot of the mottling. Still trying to fine tune it.


Why do I notice defects after the post,ie small blob of 76 on right stab and I forgot to paint the pitot tube and little propeller. Done
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As I suspected the color I downloaded to Paint.NET RLM82 came out of the printer looking more like RLM81, more brown than green. Next time I'll try 83. "We will blame this on the supply depot and nobody takes any pictures." says the officer in charge. Another thing I'll have to learn is how to get the widely spaced decals tighter together, lots of expensive dead air space here. Also have to learn how to cut and paste so I can print both sides of the model at once. Still a large learning curve going on. Going to let them dry over night, gloss coat them and maybe put them on tomorrow night.

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