Tempus really does Fugit !
It's ten years since I joined this forum, in which time I've learned a lot, contributed a bit, and enjoyed the company of a host of like-minded people I now think of as friends, and had the opportunity to meet with some along the way.
Unfortunately, as in all things in life, some have faded away, and some, sadly, have passed on to more 'heavenly' pastures, but all have helped me stay sane (yeah, right !) and made my visits here enjoyable.
If I had a word of advice for those who are, shall we say, 'slightly opionated and voiciferous' , it would probably be something along the lines of a phrase I used to employ when lecturing, mainly on military matters - "You have two ears, two eyes, and one mouth - use the first two before resorting to the last !"
My sincere thanks to all my friends here, for making life enjoyable, and prompting me to get off my Rs and have the opportunity of 'mixing' in the aviation community again, something sadly missed since 'becoming' physically disabled.