Ten Years !!

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
Tempus really does Fugit !
It's ten years since I joined this forum, in which time I've learned a lot, contributed a bit, and enjoyed the company of a host of like-minded people I now think of as friends, and had the opportunity to meet with some along the way.
Unfortunately, as in all things in life, some have faded away, and some, sadly, have passed on to more 'heavenly' pastures, but all have helped me stay sane (yeah, right !) and made my visits here enjoyable.
If I had a word of advice for those who are, shall we say, 'slightly opionated and voiciferous' , it would probably be something along the lines of a phrase I used to employ when lecturing, mainly on military matters - "You have two ears, two eyes, and one mouth - use the first two before resorting to the last !"
My sincere thanks to all my friends here, for making life enjoyable, and prompting me to get off my Rs and have the opportunity of 'mixing' in the aviation community again, something sadly missed since 'becoming' physically disabled.
Well said and congratulations!

Although I'm a newer member here, I have enjoyed participating in these forums very much. There's a little bit of disagreeableness here and there (more likely when people are passionate about the subject matter), but by and large, the folks here are very friendly and helpful. There is an incredible base of knowledge here; if a WW2 aviation question can't be answered here, there's probably little chance it can be answered at all. WW2 veterans, published authors, aerospace folks, the average enthusiast and everyone in between participate here. I also highly enjoy the fact that this forum has members from all over the world - a very "WW2 appropriate" fact; thus, a lot of resources are made available which were previously highly localized (archives, pictures, small distribution publications, etc.).
Terry, though I'm only a few months behind you. I've always considered myself a newbie in comparison with the respected few like yourself whose vast knowledge and willingness to share and help others have created a solid foundation for this forum. It's great to have you here and a true pleasure to have met you to have a few pints and to share some stories. Please stick around and continue with your immense contributions.
Got a little more than a year to go for an equal 10 Terry, won't count the few years AWOL.
Learned more than anyone would know from the student body of this institution, a fair share from you I might add.
We all soldier on from our individual cockpits we call Our Bench hoping to make the next taxi better than the last.
We quick step best we can thru our aches and pains doing what gives us small pleasures.
We're all in this together, giving and taking support as needed.
Cheers, Mate.
The ten year anniversary has snuck up on me, my official join date is the 29th.

What an interesting decade it's been - made many great friends, had countless interesting debates, survived some savage real-life stuff and have said goodbye far too many members as they departed for adventures beyond the horizon.

Here's to another decade of shenanigans with good friends!
Terry, it was a real pleasure to meet you this year at Legends, my only regret was that it wasn't for longer. Cheers Mate, you're a gentleman.
Hi terry

I didn't realise my 10th anniversary rolled by back in April. lord time is just flying by.....

You have for me always been the "Go to" guy for advice for anything to do with modelling, and modelling has sustained me through some tough times. I don't know what it is that you do, but it is very helpful and treasured by me at least. One day I hope to meet you in person and thank you for your patience, good nature and good sense.

Until then, I can only give you my best wishes friend.

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