The Augsburg Eagle....

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Been....a wee while, since she was painted, think that spot got a touch of that famous gray, should be aluminium....I think! Better check the instructions!
But you has to know that these colours of the wheel bay and also the leanding legs could vary from kite to kite. The base is the RLM 02. However it seems that these could be of the RLM65 , especially the "trough". What is more there was a leather or fabric "pinny" inside of the main hole. While the canvas one could be painted for protection against water, dust , mud etc..( but no evidence ) the leathern one preferably not. So it could have been of the brownish or tan leather tone.
Good stuff old boy, and looks like the only '109 waiting to be fitted with tank tracks !
That putty looks interesting. Does it 'mould' well and, when dry, is it hard, or 'powdery' ?
This is an acrylic putty. So no wonder it can be easy to use. But stiil thinking that there is a kind of misunderstanding of the purpose of the gap filling process and the sanding especially.
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