The Best Fw-190 Variant...?

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I've talked to Simon at length about his a/c profles and he is one of the best European aviation artisits out there.

The second Fw 190A-8 is incorrect though and I have told him this. Maxi's Schwarze 8. the number 8 is actually a bit bigger and the prop is black with a yellow spiral.

the last a/c actually has more blue in the overall appearance of the background.

E ~
Fritz Losigkeit's bird when he was Gruppenkommandeur of I./JG 1 in the spring of 1943 although am not too sure of the black white stripes this early in 1943 on the cowling. the flags have been seen photographically on his other machines and they indicated the Allied nations that he fought against.

Fritz was a Ritterkreuzträger and made it through the war and died just several years ago. 750 missions, 68 kills, 13 of these being on the western front.

E ~
not that I am aware of. The only other symbols were used on the tail and rudder. verticle strips with date and then a colored roundel symbol for RAF, a white star representing the USA and a red star for Soviet Union, many times embellished with a ribbon and iron cross or Knights cross with the total kill numbers placed over or within the Knights cross at the time of the awarding. Subsequent vertical kill marks were used to an appropriate number and then the rudder/tail was repainted with new markings for victory total.

E ~
WIth respect to flags painted under the cockpit: The JG 26 War Diary, page 133 has the following caption under a photo: The BF 109E-7 of the 3rd Staffel's Lt. Robert Menge. Note the row of flags beneath the cockpit; these represented the European nations Menge helped to conquer. I recall seeing similar photos elsewhere.
actually the presetnation of flags under the cockpit was quite rare, praobly no more than a dozen machines flown by different pilots used this..........understand also that Fritz was also a pilot in JG 262 and this could of been carried as I mentioned on his other craft and then copied by other pilots ? just a thought.

Now the useage of personal motifs such as girl freinds/wives names was quite common as well as familie coat of arms or the township the pilots were from.

A huge rarity on night fighters I might add though....
Erich, two questions:

What´s the gear located under the wing (outboard position) of the Fw190 A-8/R11 of NJGr .10?

What is the "Gr" on NJGr? Gruppe? (a "specialized" gruppe?)

I feel ignorant asking this.
While I have seen it hundreds of times when reading on Luftwaffe units i have not bothered to ask.

I also recall a unit JGr 20.

The "typical" denomination would be JG where J=Jagd and G=Geschwader. Also the standard denomination for nightfighter units would be NJG.

As most know, gruppen in Geschwadern denomination is designated using roman numerals and arabic numbers to designate staffeln. So what would the "Gr" stand for?
the A-8/R11 is actually a A-8/N

the N stands for Neptun and in the case of the wonderful profile the Neptun FuG 218 radar which was only fitted on a scant few machines in 1./NJGr 10

yes the Gr in this case stands from gruppe which had 3 staffels. NJGr 10 had single eninge jobs in the 1st and twin engine in the 2nd and 3rd staffels

NJGr would be a night fighter gruppe and NJGr 10 tested new equipment and radar devices. the first staffel for part of it's operations flew anti-mossie ops in the Fw 190 A-6,7, and A-8 and then accepted 109G-6/AS, later G-14/AS and then finally G-10's into it's ranks.

JGr - jagdgeschwader gruppe with the same reasoning behind it. a test unit for new a/c and weapons.

there was a JGr 10, JGr 25 and 50 and the last two had the r removed for propaganda reasons to show the Allies they were supposed full on Jagdgeschwaders. JGr 10 tested different rockets ( air to air) throughout it's career.

E ~
JGr 10 were fitted with both Bf 109G's and Fw 190A's all in the testing role with different armament configurations to be used against Allied bombers.
JGr 25 and 50 both had Bf 109G's and experiments with the Br 210mm rocket and underwing gondola 2cm weapons and then some un-armored G's for use to chase down day time Mossies of which they were NOT successful. JGr's 25 and 50 were disbanded.....due to lack of success

E ~
Okay now here is my real question. You said they were disbanded. What did they do with them? Did they combine them into other units, I seriously doubt they just got rid of them.

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