In these Olympics, Canadians only paid attention to Canada | Top Stories | News from For...
I have to laugh at this one.
And a rebuttal, by what appears to be another American.
Sportswriter Gil LeBreton Compares Vancouver 2010 To Berlin 1936 - Media Meltdowns - Deadspin
I don't agree with some of the comments made about the first article, but gimme a break! Shoulda posted this in the Jokes thread...
I have to laugh at this one.
And a rebuttal, by what appears to be another American.
Sportswriter Gil LeBreton Compares Vancouver 2010 To Berlin 1936 - Media Meltdowns - Deadspin
I don't agree with some of the comments made about the first article, but gimme a break! Shoulda posted this in the Jokes thread...